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CyberLink PowerCinema v6.0.3316 Multilingual
CORE releases Cyberlink Powercinema, a big app that will let you do practically do anything with movies, music and TV. Also compatible with the new windows 7.
Description: CyberLink PowerCinema 6, the premiere digital home entertainment software, is an all-in-one media center that delivers a complete solution for your living room. Compatible with USB and PCI TV tuner cards, PowerCinema lets you watch and record high-definition digital TV on your PC and features a redesigned interface that makes it convenient to quickly access your favorite media, including music, videos, photos, and DVDs. PowerCinema is also perfect for portable TV and digital entertainment, transforming a notebook into an on-the-go media center.
PowerCinema 6 gives you total control over your digital home entertainment. Schedule, record and watch your favorite television programs anytime you want in high-definition without missing a single episode.
Watch your DVDs in crystal-clear images with PowerCinema 6's cutting edge DVD player software technology and immerse yourself in crisp surround sound the whole family can enjoy.
Release name: CyberLink.PowerCinema.v6.0.3316.Multilingual
Size: 145.19 MB
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