Tuneup Media 1.1.9
People were requesting this program...
| Tuneup Media |
| Your music collection is a mess. TuneUp fixes it. Automagically. |
| |
| TuneUp was created for music lovers, by music lovers. All of us here |
| are entrenched in music. We're cranking tunes all day. We constantly argue |
| about things like which Radiohead album is best, whether Michael Jackson or |
| Prince would win in a fight, the only five albums we would have on a |
| deserted island and who in the office does the best Running Man. |
| |
| One thing we all agree on, however, is that our digital music collections |
| were a mess as were our friends'. When we did some testing, we learned that |
| almost everyone had the same problem we did. That's why we created TuneUp. |
| |
| We'll take care of all of this for you automatically. We're also the type |
| of people who want all of our cover-art, don't like missing concerts and |
| spend hours online looking for YouTube videos, news, and merch from our |
| favorite artists. We've taken care of that too. And there's more to come... |
| |
| TuneUp is your music collection's new best friend. |
| Usage |
| Install Tuneup Media |
| Run Tuneup Media |
| Open Trainer |
| Press CRTL 1 to get 9999 cleans |
| Press CRTL 2 to get 9999 album covers |
| Trainer is made by RonSijm (AKA Moongoat / Necrowizard :P ) |
I've tested this on vista, and vista X64. Please let me know if it (doesnt) work
Edit: I keep getting PMs (and even messages on youtube to fix this)
but apparently it is still working:
1: Install tuneup media from the rar file (so its version 1.1.9)
2: goto %programfiles%\TuneUpMedia\updater and delete the updater.exe file
3: Drop the trainer in the directory, and rename it to updater.exe
4: Start the program, and register with anything random
5: It probably opens your internet browser, and tells you you've sucessfully registered, but the registration thing in tunup will still be there
6: Close tuneup media
7: reopen tuneup media -- it should now function as before
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