

This program is designated to recover passwords for different types of hashes. The program currently supports about 30 types of hashes, and new ones can easily be added through writing own external hashing DLL-module. Actual list of modules available can be found on the forum of the program. Maximal number of hashes to work with at the same time is 64.

List of supported hashes:

- MySQL5
- DES(Unix)
- MD2
- MD4
- MD4(Base64)
- MD5
- MD5(APR)
- MD5(Unix)
- MD5(Base64)
- MD5(phpBB3)
- MD5(Wordpress)
- MD5_HMAC($salt,MD5_HMAC($salt,$pass))
- SHA-1
- SHA-1(Base64)
- SHA-1(Django)
- SHA-256
- SHA-256(Unix)
- SHA-256(Django)
- SHA-256(md5($pass))
- SHA-256(PasswordSafe)
- SHA-384
- SHA-384(Django)
- SHA-512
- SHA-512(Unix)
- Haval-128
- Haval-160
- Haval-192
- Haval-224
- Haval-256
- Tiger-128
- Tiger-160
- Tiger-192
- RipeMD-128
- RipeMD-160
- Whirlpool
- RAdmin v2.x
- Lineage II C4
- Domain Cached Credentials
- md5(md5($pass))
- md5($pass.$salt)
- md5($salt.$pass)
- md5(sha1($pass))
- md5($hex_salt.$pass)
- md5(md5(md5($pass)))
- md5(md5($pass).$salt)
- md5(md5($salt).$pass)
- md5($salt.md5($pass))
- md5($salt.$pass.$salt)
- md5(md5($salt).md5($pass))
- md5(md5($pass).md5($salt))
- md5($salt.md5($salt.$pass))
- md5($salt.md5($pass.$salt))
- md5($salt.md5($pass).$salt)
- md5(sha1(md5(sha1($pass))))
- md5($hex_salt.$pass.$hex_salt)
- md5($username.md5($pass).$salt)
- md5(md5($username.$pass).$salt)
- sha1(md5($pass))
- sha1($salt.$pass)
- sha1($pass.$salt)
- sha1($username.$pass)
- sha1($username.$pass.$salt)
- sha1($salt.sha1($salt.sha1($pass)))

Program Features:

- Passwords recovery using the following methods:
o Preliminary attack
o Brute force attack (including distributed attack)
o Mask attack
o Simple dictionary attack
o Combined dictionary attack
o Hybrid dictionary attack
o Rainbow attack
- Recovery of passwords of up to 127-character length
- Recovery of passwords for incomplete hashes of any type
- User hash editor
- Searching data on the list of imported users
- Quick-add hash using a dialog box
- Quick-add hashes from Clipboard
- Quick-check current password for all imported users
- Support of character replacement tables for hybrid dictionary attack
- Unlimited number of dictionaries available for dictionary attack
- Unlimited number of tables available for Rainbow attack
- Unlimited number of servable users with hashes (in the licensed version)

