Seven Transformation Pack Final v.4.0 Eng + Rus
Seven Transformation Pack Final v.4.0 Rus - transforms your desktop in Windows XP in a modern, similar to that which is in the new OS from Microsoft - Windows 7. Seven Transformation Pack contains almost all of the visual innovations occurring in Windows 7. Now, do not download any assembly, just install Windows Seven Transformation pack.
The changes affect everything: from the boot screen, icons, finishing external shell (skin) of various standard programs.
Seven Transformation Pack - a worthy successor of the well known Vista Transformation Pack ... Only now you have the opportunity to transform your Windows XP to nemaloizvestnuyu Windows 7. Transparent windows, design, cayd bar, the theme from the Aero will create the impression that you have installed a modern system. Distribution can be installed in both English and in Russian version of Windows, system language does not change. After restarting, you will be pleasantly surprised.
Platform: Windows XP, Windows Vista
Language: Russian + English
File Size: 26.28 Mb
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