Alive Address Book Portable

Alive Address Book is a full-featured electronic address book that will easily replace all its hardcopy analogs: telephone directories, address books, business card binders, etc. Alive Address Book allows you to arrange the entire list of your contacts (contact managment) in the form of folders by topics (a tree of folders as in Windows Explorer). You can display the list of contacts in various ways (icons, business cards, tables, etc.), search them, add, remove, modify and copy various contacts and much more. Each record in the address book program has more than 50 various fields making it possible to describe each contact in detail. In case there is no some specific field, it can be easily added to the Comment text field. The Export/Import features will make it much easier to move data from other software, while those users who have to work on several computers (for instance, on a laptop and on a desktop) are sure to appreciate the Synchronization feature.

Alive Address Book allows you to manage the entire list of your personal, business and other contacts in a quick, easy and smart manner.
By creating folders in desktop address book - Alive Address Book, you can easily arrange the entire list of your address book entries in a convenient treelike structure. Thus, for instance, the Business contacts folder may contain only business contacts, while the Personal folder may contain only personal contacts. At the same time, Alive Address Book allows you to view the entire list of contacts at once since it has a special folder called All contacts. Another special folder Recycle Bin contains deleted records that can be restored later.

All fields of each contact in electronic address book - Alive Address Book are conveniently grouped by tabs (for instance, General, Personal, Business, etc.), which is really convenient when you are searching for and viewing information about a contact.

The number of fields for each contact in Alive Address Book makes it possible to meet virtually any requirements. It is easy and convenient to access fields important for each contact, such as, for instance, full name, phone number, occupation, home and business addresses, e-mail address, ICQ number, etc. There are also more rarely used fields, such as nickname, other phone numbers and telecommunication means, birthday, spouse's name, children, homepage, etc. For each contact it is possible to save not only a photo, but also the logo of the organization where he or she works. The Comments text field allows you to save some unique information about each contact, add photos and images.

The search in Alive Address Book program is quick and comfortable. To search for some contact, just enter a keyword (either full or a part of it), for instance, name, e-mail address, the name of the organization, phone number, etc.). The search results will be presented in the most convenient form. In fact, all contacts that do not meet the search criteria will be temporarily hidden from the list of contacts.

The amount of information that can be saved in Alive Address Book program is really huge, and if you use the Comments feature, it is virtually unlimited. The search in Alive Address Book and the tree of contacts you can create will allow you to find your way through this huge quantity of information.
