Alchemy Mindworks Graphic Workshop Professional v3.0a44
Description: Graphic Workshop Professional is the image management package for Windows, and the ultimate digital darkroom. Itfeatures support for over 50 popular graphic formats multiple browser windows batch processing and conversion thumbnails a rich library of image filters and a lot more.Whether youd like to browse your image collection and view pictures, convert between formats, print your graphics ashard copy, acquire images from a digital camera, maintain asophisticated keyword database, decode pictures from theInternet, process and fine-tune your photographs? the listof Graphic Workshops functionality can run for pages.
* Convert between over 50 popular image formats.
* View files in any of the supported file formats.
* Display a slide show of images.
* Search your hard drive and other storage devices for graphics.
* Apply interactive image filters to your graphics, including soften, sharpen and emboss.
* Create sophisticated textures and fractals.
* Print image files to any printer supported by Windows.
* Dither color images into halftones.
* Rotate image files in any increments.
* Flip image files vertically and horizontally.
* Scale images up or down with optional anti-aliased scaling.
* Color reduce and color dither images.
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