IQ-Mobile IQ Talking Clock v1.2 DateCode
03.04.10 S60 **** Cracked
|-البرنامج يستخدم لمعرفة كم الساعة بالصوت-|
There are a few phones on the market that
can tell you the current time by reading it out loud from the system time.
IQ Talking Clock is a software application that gives your phone the ability to read the current time
even if your phone doesn’t have this built in function . IQ Talking Clock takes the phone’s hour and
minute and pronounces them out loud letting you know what time it is.
This simple and intuitive application gives you the option to adjust the time read from the phone’s
current time, thus any error in getting the time can be rectified manually to get the best results.
Tip: Assign a shortcut key on your phone to launch the **** application with the press of a single key
to hear the current time without you having to browse the entire phone menu!
The new version of IQ Talking Clock can automatically read the time on a requested interval. Just set
the number of minutes and the phone will read the current time
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