Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009
Type: Windows
Category: System
Microsoft Dynamics AX Integrated enterprise management system (ERPII) for corporate enterprises and medium market segments. The system allows you to manage finances, inventory flow, relationships with customers, staff and other areas of company activity.
This distribution represented by ISOimage of the installation disk.
Added a set of demonstration data and Tabletka
Description of the Demo Data
The demo data set for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 is no longer based on global trade and manufacturing firms. Based on market feedback, we created a new group of companies Contoso Entertainment Systems. This is a company with a 2year budget history and business data, which allow a wider scope of history to demonstrate Business Data Analysis (Business Intelligence) and the pages of the Centre Roles (Role Center), allowing us to easily deploy the history of the demonstration data in future releases, since we plan to much of the functionality of Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Contoso Entertainment Systems (CES) is a manufacturer of home electronics, distribution and retailing, which includes the Professional Services department. Its headquarters is located in the United States. Distribution subsidiary located in Germany, and it works with the relevant currencies. CES distributes televisions, projectors, digital video recorders, record players and radios. It manufactures speakers and assembles systems for home theaters.
Customers CES primarily based in North America, Europe, Major Accounts (such as hotel chains), Wholesalers (various sizes), Retail stores and online storefront.
Legal and physical structure of CES set as follows:
CEC Contoso Entertainment Consolidation, based in the U.S.
CEU Contoso Entertainment USA, Headquarters based in the U.S.
Division 1: Production of all speakers
2: Assembly of home theater systems and services
Unit 3: Production of Standard speakers
CEE Contoso Entertainment Europe, Distribution subsidiary company based in Germany
Site 4: Distribution, Assembly and Service of all products
CVC Virtual company that includes table collections from CEU and CEE
Documentation set of demonstration data Contoso Entertainment Systems for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 that contains a large amount of information is under development and will be added to this distribution in the near future.
Demo data presented here Contoso Entertainment Systems provide business information for the main module, Administration, General Ledger, Bank, plant and equipment, payments to suppliers, payments to customers, Inventory Management, Intercompany Accounting, Production, Master Planning, with customers (CRM), Projects, Expense Management, and staff and is intended to demonstrate the functionality of these modules. They also have the basic data (ie no transactions) for the Product Builder modules.
We currently have demo data for the United States in English.
You will find two different sets of data:
Contoso Base: Contoso basic demo data, almost no business data
Contoso Trans: Contoso business demo data for 2 years starting from 1 July 2006 to July 1, 2008 for some modules.
These data are available in the files of two formats:
Microsoft Dynamics AX DAT
Microsoft SQL Server BAK
The larger the file size DAT takes a lot longer when you import compared with restoring the database from SQL. However, there will be additional setup and possibly installation steps required after restoring a database SQL, depending on your configuration. You must decide which option is best for you based on your knowledge of configuration of Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Translation SEKO.
Hot Fixes & SP Payroll Hot Fixes PHR5.0.0000Sept2008
Description Payroll Hot Fixes PHR5.0.0000Sept2008
Issues Resolved
The following issues have been resolved in the Payroll for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 February 2009 hotfix:
The 941 report now uses the employee payment's statement date to accumulate benefit / deductions for tax liability. Payments must be approved, and must include a statement value.
The employee search field will include terminated employees
T4 If the "Display In Report" fields are set to "No" they will not print. If the fields are not set to "no" they will print.
NOTE: Please review the Resolved Issues.pdf document within the hotfix download for a complete list of all issues resolved in this hot fix rollup.
Hot Fixes & SP Service Pack 1
Rapid Configuration Tool for DAX2009
Description of Rapid Configuration Tool for DAX2009
What's New in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Version of the Rapid Configuration Tool
This latest version of the RCT provides a newly generated set of activities for easier implementation of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. In addition, it provides significant improvements to activity dependencies as well as the ability to detect circular dependencies among activities. The tool includes updated and expanded Best Practices documentation for Microsoft Dynamics AX2009. MS Project import and export functionality has been improved along with the Installer which has been improved giving better error detection by capturing logs.
The RCT for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 is a standalone installation of the RCT version originally provided as part of the previous Partner Productivity Toolkit.
Note: The Rapid Configuration Tool for Microsoft Dynamics AX2009 is released as a separate tool from the Microsoft Dynamics AX application and is not supported by Microsoft.
GLS layer for Russia and Eastern Europe
Human Resources Management and Payroll for Russia
Installation instructions GLS EE, HRM and Payroll
Description files GLS EE
Location: Regional GLS Layers \ GLSEE
DynamicsAX2009KB969169GLSEE.EXE GLS EE / RU layer for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 SP1. Contains local functionality for Russia.
RuEECons_Installation_ENUS.pdf Installation GLS EE.
HRP_RUAX2009.EXE Human Resources Management and Payroll for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 (Russia).
SL2_HRP_RU_Installation_ENUS.pdf Installation Human Resources Management and Payroll.
GDL_EasternEurope_ENUS.exe Client Help Files Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 for Russia and Eastern Europe.
Translated documentation and installation instructions will be available soon.
To install the GLS EE at the beginning you need to install SP1.
Added: May 3, 2010
Added license codes for "CIS Salary", "CIS personnel account", "RU, plant and equipment. All keys are working!
Added access codes to the layers.
Translated installation instructions and documentation GLS EE, HRM and Payroll
Update Hotfix rollup 4 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Service Pack 1
Update SL2_HRP_RU from April 5, 2010
Description added GLS EE files
Location: Regional GLS Layers \ GLSEE
RuEECons_Installation_RURU.pdf Installation GLS EE.
SL2_HRP_RU_Installation_RURU.pdf Installation Human Resources Management and Payroll.
What's_new_GDL_PR_Russia_RU. Pdf What's new in the buyout and salary for Russia.
GLS_EasternEurope_RU.exe Help files Customer Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 for Russia and Eastern Europe.
Description of the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Service Pack 1 Hotfix Rollup 4
Location: Hot Fixes & SP \ Service Pack 1 \ Hotfix Rollup \ Hotfix Rollup 4
This article describes a hotfix rollup that corrects several problems in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Service Pack 1 (SP1). This hotfix rollup contains all previously released hotfixes and countryspecific updates for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 SP1. The build number of this hotfix rollup is 5.0.1500.2116.
Installation information
This hotfix rollup installation resembles the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Service Pack installation.
Any hotfixes that are not included in this hotfix rollup are lost after you install the hotfix rollup. Therefore, make sure that you reapply those hotfixes after you install the hotfix rollup.
When planning a deployment that will use a GLS layer for specific regional functionality, make sure that you install the GLS layer before you install this hotfix rollup. The update layer that corresponds to the installed GLS layer is then installed or updated by the hotfix rollup installation. Otherwise, if the GLS layer is installed after the hotfix rollup installation, then you must rerun the hotfix rollup installation to install or update the corresponding GLP layer.
The rollup package contains both a cumulative kernel update and a cumulative application update. Although there is no dependency between these two updates, we recommend that you install both of the updates together. The rollup will be installed on the SYP layer and the GLP layer.
You must have Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Service Pack 1 installed to apply this hotfix rollup.
Restart requirement
You do not have to restart the computer after you apply this hotfix. You must restart the Application Object Server (AOS) service after you apply this hotfix rollup.
Description SL2_HRP_RU Rollup 4
Location: Hot Fixes & SP \ Service Pack 1 \ Hotfix Rollup \ Hotfix Rollup 4
This article describes a hotfix rollup that corrects several problems in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Service Pack 1 (SP1). This hotfix rollup contains all previously released hotfixes and countryspecific updates for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 SP1. The build number of this hotfix rollup is 5.0.1500.2116.
Installation information
This hotfix rollup installation resembles the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Service Pack installation.
Any hotfixes that are not included in this hotfix rollup are lost after you install the hotfix rollup. Therefore, make sure that you reapply those hotfixes after you install the hotfix rollup.
When planning a deployment that will use a GLS layer for specific regional functionality, make sure that you install the GLS layer before you install this hotfix rollup. The update layer that corresponds to the installed GLS layer is then installed or updated by the hotfix rollup installation. Otherwise, if the GLS layer is installed after the hotfix rollup installation, then you must rerun the hotfix rollup installation to install or update the corresponding GLP layer.
The rollup package contains both a cumulative kernel update and a cumulative application update. Although there is no dependency between these two updates, we recommend that you install both of the updates together. The rollup will be installed on the SYP layer and the GLP layer.
You must have Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Service Pack 1 installed to apply this hotfix rollup.
Restart requirement
You do not have to restart the computer after you apply this hotfix. You must restart the Application Object Server (AOS) service after you apply this hotfix rollup.
Description SL2_HRP_RU Rollup 4
Location: Regional GLS Layers \ GLSEE \ Rollup 4
SL2 layer containing Payroll and Human Resource Management for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 functionality for Russia is updated to include the new regulatory changes in report templates 4FSS (according to the Order from Public Health Ministry from 06.11.2009 N 871H) and RSVIPFR (according to the Order from Public Health Ministry from 12 November 2009 NO 894H)
The new forms have to be used for reporting to the Social insurance fund RF and to the Pension fund RF beginning from 2010 year.
Note: For this release, you want to install Hotfix Rollup 4
System requirements:
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2,
Standard Edition, Web Edition, Enterprise Edition, or Datacenter Edition
Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, Web Edition, or Datacenter Edition.
IIS 6.0 or later.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Standard or Enterprise editions, with Service Pack 2 or later
Oracle Database 10g R2, Enterprise and Standard
Year: May 2008.
Version RTM: 5.0.593.0
Last Updated: May 2010
Version Updated RU4: 5.0.1500.2116
Developer: Microsoft Dynamics
Platform: x8664 Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Language: Multilingual Russian
Russian functionality (GLS Layer): There is GLS EE (01Jun2009), the
Medicine: present
Size: 4.46 Gb
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