Vuze 4.4 Portable
BitTorrent-client that allows to implement multi-threaded downloads. It has a multitude of features and capabilities for task management. Determination of speed limits on pumping, both for a single thread, and for all time. Advanced selection rules. Setting the disk cache. Using a single port for all flows. The ability to use proxies for Tracker and Peer Communications. Rapid restoration of interrupted downloads. Support for encryption of traffic to bypass the security providers that is blocking all activities P2P networks. The possibility of parallel run multiple copies for the full channel loading. Convenient, customizable user interface. IRC plugin for quick relief. A powerful system for organizing access to the files. Numerous plug-ins designed to significantly ease customization program.
Find, Download, Play. Full screen HD Video. Anytime, anywhere. Find torrents easily. Powerful torrent meta-search with login support for private trackers. Discover high quality content on the Vuze HD network. Download fast. Download quickly and efficiently with intelligent bandwidth, queue and speed management. Play on all your screens. Sit back and savor the high-quality entertainment experience. Now on iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PSP and TiVo.
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