Guitar Prо v6.0.1 Retail + CRACK + INSTALLATION

Guitar Pro 6 - Firm Arobas Music has released a new version of one of the best editors tablature with realistic sound and the ability to create their own full songs. Guitar Pro 6 convenient not only guitarists but all musicians. The new sound, new interface, new opportunities.

Guitar Pro is first and foremost a software designed to edit tablatures for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments from 4 to 8 strings.

Its great ease of use and the success of its specific file format have made it a software used by guitarists worldwide.

It now includes editing support for many other instruments like the piano or the drums, a realistic audio engine, and interactive tools to support every musician's practice.

Technical Specifications
* Tablature editor for fretted instruments, from 4 to 8 strings
* Natively Windows / Mac / Linux compatible.
* Additional support for percussion and piano tracks
* Editing, display, and printing in tablature, standard notation, and rhythmic “slash” notation
* Multitrack scores

* 6 retractable panels, or "Universes": Edition, Instrument, RSE, Mastering, Chords, Lyrics.
* Multiple Document Interface
* Full-screen mode
* Complete stylesheet, to let you customize your scores (symbols, fonts, proportions, etc.)
* Possibility to switch from jazz to classical style in one click
* Advanced notation for the guitar: tablature for up to 8 strings, accented notes, left-hand tapping, rasgueado, arpeggio, rythmic "slash" notation (above and/or within the tablature), extended barre, partial capo
* Numerous effects (bend, slide, vibrato, grace notes, harmonics, etc.)
* Total support of chord diagrams (librairy + automatic recognition)
* Advanced standard notation: Grand Staff for piano, concert or transposition tone, G-, F-, and C-clefs, opening/closing repeat signs, free-time measures, multirests, fermata
* Fully customizable n-tuplets
* Double signs and ornaments: Simple and double simile bars, double dotting, double flat and double sharp, mordents and turns, two types of grace notes, etc.
* Percussion wizard
* Lyrics support
* Timer
* Note-capturing via a MIDI instrument

* Note duration wizard
* Capturing via multiple selection
* Repeat signs, and multiple coda signs
* Key signature wizard
* Extended copy/past (special paste from track to track, in multiple selection)
* Chord library for faster writing of chord into the score
* Simplified grace-note editing
* Intuitive editing of accidentals
* 1- to 4-voice editing, and multivoice editing
* Clickable score elements (tempo, clef …)
* Advanced automation wizard (temo, volme, panoramic)
* Unlimited Undo/Redo

* Professional-quality printing
* Multitrack printing
* Choice between tablature, standard notation, and “slash” notation
* 100% customizable printing (size, fonts, proportions, area, elements, etc.)
* Print preview

* Score MIDI playback, with guitar effects (bend, etc.)
* Tuning library and possibility to tune each string independently
* Tempo selection
* Several dozens of instrument available with RSE
* Customizable effect chain (amps, stompboxes, racks) for each track
* Global mastering (compressor, reverb, equalization)
* 5-band semi-parametric equalizer for each track
* Choice of playing style (slap, picking, …)
* Humanization of playback (accentuation, autobrush, …)
* Selection of the instrument, volume, pan, chorus and reverb for each track
* 12-stringed guitar simulation
* Triplet feel playback
* Possibility to insert changes events (tempo, volume, instrument, etc.)
* Real-time Mixing with Soundboard

* Multitrack Import and Export with ASCII, MIDI formats, including quantization (0/1 formats)
* Optimized fingering for the MIDI importation
* MusicXML, WAV (audio), PDF, PNG (image) Export

* Transposition of part of a score via multiple selection
* Digital Tuner
* Guitar and bass virtual Fretboards
* Virtual Keyboard
* Scale analysis over multiple selection
* Speed Trainer (to practice part of a score in accelerating loops)
* Automatic bar-length wizard
* Automatic fingering wizard for optimal finger positioning
* Possibility to swap voices, to copy-paste from one voice to another

* gtp, gp3, gp4, gp5, gpx
* MusicXML

Installing Guitar Pro
to XP:
Start (Start) -> My Network (Network Neighborhood) -> In the left column, click View network connections (Display network connections)
Right-click on Local Area Connection (Local Area Connection) -> Properties (Properties) -> Configure (Set)
Advanced (Advanced) -> and in the field of Network Address (Network Address) prescribed "0024211EAA99", apply.

Setting Guitar Pro for Vista and Win7:
Control Panel (Control Panel) -> Network and Internet (Network and Internet) -> Network and Sharing Center (Network and Access Center)
In kalonke left "Manage network connections" (Manage network connections) for Vista and "Change the parameters of the map" (Changing the map) for Win7
Right-click on "Local Area Connection" (Local Area Connection) -> Properties (Properties) -> Configure (Set) Advanced (Advanced)
And in the field of Network Address (network address) prescribed "0024211EAA99", apply.

This should prodelyvat with the main network adapter on your computer is the Local Area Connection. If because of this lost online - please contact your ISP with a request to reset you to a new wt-mail address.

4.Zablokiruyte access to the center of activation Guitar Pro
Open the file C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ host using a text editor.
Add the bottom line
5.Sohranite and close the file.
Copy the crack "GuitarPro.dat" guitar pro 6
in the folder C: \ Users \ (you) \ AppData \ Roaming \ Guitar Pro 6, if you have Windows 7 / Vista.
If XP, then in the folder C: \ Documents and Settings \ (you) \ Application Data \ Guitar Pro 6
Can you just in case, make a copy of the replaced file.
Attention, this is a hidden folder, and you may need in the folder properties to check the "Show hidden files and folders"
6.Raduytes Guitar pro free version 6. Open up any old files (Gp5, Gp4, Gp3) in the name (in the full file path) only Latin characters.

Minimal Requirements (MIDI Playback)

* Windows® XP / Vista / Win 7, or Ubuntu 9.10 or higher (officially supported distribution)
* Administrator's rights for installation, Internet connection for activation*
* Intel Pentium 4 type processor
* 1 GB RAM
* Sound card - DVD-ROM drive
* 256 MB free HD space

RSE Requirements (Realistic Sound Engine)

* Windows® XP/Vista/Win7, or Ubuntu 9.10 or higher (officially supported distribution)
* Administrator's rights for installation, Internet connection for activation*
* 1.8 GHz Intel or AMD processor
* 2 GB RAM
* Sound card - DVD-ROM drive
* 2 GB free HD space


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