Agnitum Outpost Antivirus Pro / Outpost Firewall Pro / Security Suite Pro 7.0 RC 3343.510.1228.400 ML
Use Outpost Security Suite Pro 2009, you receive the latest technology for maximum protection of your computer on the Internet.
XP, Vista, 7 (x86/64)
New products in the
* Security applications: protecting sensitive data stored in various Internet applications such as chat-agents for instant messaging, browsers, software wallets of electronic payment systems, etc. NB! At the stage of beta testing has already been added whole array of new rules for this module.
* Protect files and folders: enable to protect from detection or changes in malicious code or a third party files stored on your hard drive.
* Access to files and registry: the module generates a clear picture of current activity files and registry, allowing you to watch for any active process, see the location and time of execution, and track registry changes.
* Content filtering: the module "Web Control" an opportunity to adjust the filter loaded pages. It is enough to create a list of "stop words" which should not appear in your page to load, or specify the addresses of sites, access to which must be blocked.
As is known, it is better to see once ... So call on you not to miss the release candidate of Outpost 7 and share their impressions.
Agnitum Outpost Antivirus Pro / Outpost Firewall Pro / Security Suite Pro 7.0 RC 3343.510.1228.400 ML | 443 MB
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