Portable Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 v11.0.4909
Portable Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 v11.0.4909 | 602 MB
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 - new version for creating professional Web sites. Designed by verification tools CSS, web development for content management systems, as well as the convenience and accuracy of testing compatibility with browsers through integration with Adobe BrowserLab, a new online service of the Adobe CS Live - this is a new CS5.V Dreamweaver Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 appeared Support popular CMS (Joomla, WordPress and Drupal), features tips for custom PHP classes and code for individual sites and much more.
New features in Dreamweaver CS5:
"New support popular CMS (Joomla!, Drupal and WordPress)
"Checking CSS
"Integration with Adobe BrowserLab
"Fine work with CSS properties
"Extended Support for versioning
"Tips for creating PHP code
"Tips for encoding with the use of third-party libraries
"Improved CSS starter pages
"Easy Setup site
"Browser Widgets
"Integration of sites with analysts from the Business Catalyst and Omniture analytics
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