Remograph Remo 3D v2.0

Remograph Remo 3D v2.0 | 52 MB

Remo 3D? is an effective tool for creating and modifying 3D models intended for realtime visualization. Remo 3D's primary file format is OpenFlight? and it allows for importing from and exporting to different file formats.

Remo 3D? v2.0 Features:
This is a summary of the most important features of Remo 3D? v2.0:
* Runs on Microsoft? Windows? Vista/XP/2000 or Linux x86 operating system
* Supports OpenFlight? file format version 15.7 to 16.2 (*)
* Imports from the following file formats:
o 3DC Point Cloud (.3dc)
o 3D Studio MAX? (.3ds)
o AC3D? (.ac)
o COLLADA? 1.4.1 (.dae)
o Designer Workshop (.dw)
o Autodesk? DXF (.dxf)
o Carbon Graphics GEO (.geo)
o LightWave? (.lwo / .lws)
o Quake Character Models (.md2)
o Alias? Wavefront OBJ (.obj)
o OpenSceneGraph 2.8.2 ASCII (.osg)
o OpenSceneGraph 2.8.2 Binary (.ive)
o OpenSceneGraph 2.8.2 Archive (.osga)
o Performer? (.pfb)
Note: For the Performer? import file format to work, OpenGL Performer? must be installed on the computer running Remo 3D.
o StereoLithography Binary (.stl)
o StereoLithography ASCII (.sta)
o ESRI Shape (.shp)
o Direct X (.x)
* Exports to the following file formats:
o COLLADA? 1.4.1 (.dae)
o Alias? Wavefront OBJ (.obj)
o OpenSceneGraph 2.8.2 ASCII (.osg)
o OpenSceneGraph 2.8.2 Binary (.ive)
* Supports the following image file formats for being used as textures:
o SGI? image file format (.rgb, .rgba, .int, .inta)
o Microsoft? Windows? bitmap (.bmp)
o Direct Draw Surface (.dds)
o Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
o Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg)
o Portable Network Graphics (.png)
o Portable any map (.pnm, .ppm, .pgm, .pbm)
o Targa (.tga)
o Tagged Image File Format (.tif)
* Multiple simultaneously loaded models
* WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) 3D model view
* Multiple 3D model viewports
* Scene graph node view with expand/contract, zoom, drag and drop
* Output of current, previous and delta coordinates
* Output of selected node names and number of selected nodes
* Selection by picking, rectangle or node name
* Selection by attributes
* Level-of-detail (LOD) switching
* Perspective/orthogonal view
* Scribed/solid/wireframe view
* Lighting control
* Grid, completely user-definable
* Snap to grid
* Snap to vertices, edges, polygons, etc.
* Full control of selection pivot point
* Convenient gizmo handles for transformation tools
* Soft selection on transformation tools, for modeling of rounded surfaces
* Hiding and isolating of geometry
* User-definable view frustum
* Shrink polygon visualization
* Visualization of normals
* Visualization of vertex numbers
* Large vertex markings
* Presentation of statistics of different parts of the scene graph
* Preview of degree-of-freedom nodes
* Save preferences to disk
* Capture viewport to image file
* Cut, copy and paste geometry
* Multiple undo/redo commands
* Color palette
o Red-green-blue (RGB) or hue-saturation-value (HSV) edits
o Open and save color palettes
* Texture palette
o Full control of texture attributes (OpenFlight? ATTR files)
o Change and remove texture paths
o Remove unused textures
o Open and save texture palettes
o Flip DDS and PNM images vertically
* Texture mapping palette
o Edit existing texture mappings
o Remove unused texture mappings
o Open and save texture mapping palettes
* Material palette
o Full control of ambient, diffuse, specular and emissive colors
o Full control of shininess and alpha parameters
o Remove unused materials
o Open and save material palettes
* Light point palette
o Full control of light point appearance and animation attributes
o Remove unused light points
o Open and save light point palettes
* Shader palette
o Connect shader program files
o Support for OpenGL Shading Language
o Support for Cg shading language
o Remove unused shaders
o Open and save shader palettes
* Tools:
o Move geometry
o Rotate geometry
o Scale geometry
o Apply transformation matrix
o Create node
o Create polygon
o Create external reference
o Create disk
o Create sphere
o Create light point
o Apply color
o Apply texture and texture mapping
o Apply material
o Remove texture and texture mappings
o Remove material
o Get color from node
o Get texture and texture mapping from node
o Get material from node
o Map texture - 3-point, 4-point, cylindrical or spherical, with support for multi-texture and UV editing
o Mirror geometry
o Reverse polygon
o Extrude geometry
o Revolve geometry
o Quantify vertex positions
o Slice geometry
o Split edges and polygons / triangulate polygons
o Merge polygons
o Shade geometry (calculate normals)
o Simplify geometry (decrease detail level)
o Subdivide geometry (increase detail level)
o Modify all OpenFlight? node attributes
o Apply comments on nodes
* Script support in Lua for all functionality interactively available in Remo 3D
* User-defined macros (script + parameters) in Remo 3D menu, making it possible for users to create new tools
(*) There are some exceptions from Remo 3D's support for the OpenFlight? file format; these are listed below:
Note: This means that the user doesn't have full control of these features in Remo 3D. However, when loading or saving an existing OpenFlight? file containing these features, they will not be removed or modified. Many of these features may be implemented in future versions ofRemo 3D. Some of the non-supported node types can still be cut, copied, pasted, deleted, dragged and dropped, but their attributes can't be modified.
* Mesh Nodes
* Morph Vertex Lists
* BSP Planes
* Sound
* Roads
* Clip Regions
* Text
* Extension Nodes
* Curves
* Vectors
* Bounding Volumes
* Name Tables
* Eyepoint/Trackplane
* Linkage Palette
* Light Source Palette
* Line Style Palette
* Continuation Records
* Relative priority
* Geo-specific control points (in texture attributes)
* Sub-textures (in texture attributes)
* Indexed String
* Light Point System
Realtime Features
As opposed to many other 3D modeling products that are primarily intended for rendering, Remo 3D offers the user full control of the model scene graph and allows for modification of features like degree-of-freedom nodes, level-of-detail nodes, switch nodes, etc. Furthermore, the process of creating models inRemo 3D allows for focusing on the individual polygons and vertices. All in all, this makes Remo 3D exceptionally suitable for creating and modifying 3D models intended for realtime visualization.
Remo 3D supports scripting of all interactively available functionality in Remo 3D. A Remo 3D script is written in the Lua scripting language, but all interactive operations in Remo 3D can also be automatically recorded to a script, so that no coding has to be made.
User-defined macros (script + parameters) can be added, effectively acting as new tools in Remo 3D. This makes the product extensible in the sense that users can add new functionality and share scripts and macros between each other.
Technical Specifications
This is the recommended system configuration for Remo 3D:
* Microsoft? Windows? Vista/XP/2000 or Linux x86 operating system
* Hardware accelerated 3D graphics card
* Minimum 1024x768 screen resolution
* Mouse with three buttons or wheel button
* Java? Runtime Environment (Java 5 JRE recommended for help system)
Release Notes for Remo 3D v2.0:
* Added script support for all available functionality.
* Added support for recording all operations to a script.
* Added macro support which lets you put a script with parameters in the Remo 3D menu, effectively extending Remo 3D with your own tools. Simple macro samples are included.
* Improved the appearance and functionality of the graphical user interface.
* All tools, selection modes, shifting of nodes and other miscellaneous operations can now be reached from the menu as well.
* Added a new Subdivide tool which lets you increase the detail level of a geometry.
* Added gizmos to Move, Rotate, Scale and Extrude tools. Gizmos provide user-friendly handles that will make geometry transformation easier.
* Added soft selection mode to the Move, Rotate and Scale tools. This allows for creating soft shapes when transforming geometry.
* Added snapping to Move Rotate and Scale tools.
* All palette operations now respond to undo/redo.
* Added Report Differences that compares selected geometry with geometry in the clipboard or in a separate OpenFlight file.
* New explicit tools for applying, reading and removing texture mappings and shaders.
* Added possibility to move all selected primitives to the same coordinate (Move To Point in the Move tool).
* Completely new built-in help system.
* Improved the user's guide to be more comprehensive.
* Added small feature culling for improved performance.
* Added support for the 3D Connexion Space Navigator.
* Added a Clear button to the Switch Attributes.
* The text boxes in Grid Spacing and Grid Offset will now be focused by default, with the current value selected. Return or Enter will work as shortcuts for the Apply button. This simple change will make the process of changing the grid offset or spacing much easier.
* The grid will now keep its general alignment when indicating two new points with Align To Vertices, making it easy to create e.g. a vertical grid through two points by starting with a XZ or YZ grid.
* Remo 3D now fully supports Microsoft Windows Vista.
* Added support for importing OSG proxy nodes as external references.
* Added support for OpenFlight continuation records.
* Select By Name now supports searching for vertices and edges.
* New file dialog in Windows.
* Added crease angle in Shade tool.
* Added possibility to change the names of shaders.
* Added possibility to remove shader program paths.
* Shader program files can now be found in the same path as where the model file resides.
* Made vertex numbers consistent and readable.
* Remove Texture will now remove multi-textures as well.
* Fixed issue with Remove Unused in the Texture Palette removing used multi-textures.
* Fixed issue with combined hiding and shrinking of geometry.
* Fixed issue with wait mouse cursors at tool execution.
* Fixed issues with attribute names in Select By Attributes.
* Fixed issue with undo/redo for changing attributes on multiple nodes.
* Fixed issue with attributes on switch nodes with long names.
* Fixed issue with texture layer not being reset between viewing polygon attributes and vertex attributes.
* Fixed various issues with stability, performance and memory consumption.

