Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.3.0
This is Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.3.0 PRO EXTENDED that I've installed and checked personally !
It's working 100% !
Please follow the installation guide and address images to install without difficulties !!!
*Unify a wide range of content in a PDF Portfolio
*Help protect your documents
*Easily create and manage electronic forms
*Manage and track electronic document reviews
*Include Adobe Reader users
*Synchronize document views
*Permanently remove sensitive information
*Compare PDF documents
*Improve print processes
*Create and validate accessible PDF documents
Uninstall any previous installed Acrobat Reader (DELETE Adobe/Acrobat 9.0 folder in Program Files after uninstallation !!!!!) !!
Start installation process by executing "AutoPlay.exe" from the "Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional Extended" folder. When asked for serial you will find one in the "Crack" folder ! After installation is complete press Finish button but DON'T start the program !!
Now go to the "Updates" folder and apply every update starting from "Acrobat Pro Extended 9.1.msp" (after the first update you will have to reboot), then install "AcrobatUpd911_all_incr.msp", and then install "AcrobatUpd912_all_incr.msp", and then install "AcrobatUpd913_all_incr.msp", and then install "AcrobatUpd920_all_incr.msp" and finally
install "AcrobatUpd930_all_incr.msp" !!! You have the latest version 9.3.0 now !
Now you need to patch the program ! Go to the "Crack" folder and execute "Adobe Acrobat Pro Ru Help.exe" file. The patchier letters are strange and unreadable so you should check the images bellow to know which buttons you should press !!!
After patching is complete you are done ! You can run now Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.3.0 !!!!
ATTENTION x64 OS users !!!
This is where we can have a problem with this installation, however after downloader's feedback there is finally a working solution !
The problem is with x64 OS's that program install itself in Program Files (x86) while crack extracts itself in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0 so it's two different places and because of that program is not cracked and therefore asks for serial number !
The solution is very very simple - follow all the steps I wrote above:
Install the program, install all the updates and run the crack (see the images...), let the crack extract itself.
The thing is you cannot change the path were the crack extracts so it has to be C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0
So let the crack extract itself, and now comes the trick:
After crack extracts to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0 go to that folder Acrobat 9.0 open it and select everything in it (ctrl a), copy and then paste and overwrite those files to the same folder in Program Files (x86) and it's done !!!
That's it. I really hope you understood me and this is very simple thing to do and it will work because it has been confirmed by others ! This only applies to x64 OS users !!!
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