Windows Sofware | WinAVI Video Converter 10.1 Final Portable | 19,2 MB
WinAVI Video Converter is a ALL-IN-ONE solution for video file converting and burning, easy to use and powerful for experts. Just one click to convert with beautiful user interface. Burning VCD/SVCD/DVD is supported. It supports almost all video file formats, including AVI, MPEG1/2/4, VCD/SVCD/DVD, DivX, XVid, ASF, WMV, RM, QuickTime MOV, Flash SWF.
WinAVI Video Converter has the fastest video/audio decode/encode engine in the world, convert any media to DVD in 90 minutes with stunning video and audio quality. You can enjoy the film with your home & PC DVD Player.
- AVI to DVD
- AVI to VCD
- AVI to MPG
- Flash SWF conversion
- It can convert all formats to MPEG1/2, VCD, SVCD, and DVD and burn to VCD, SVCD, or DVD disc.
- It can convert all video formats to AVI/WMV/RM/ASF/Divx/Xvid
- QuickTime MOV conversion.
- Real DVD Navigator encoder included.
- DirectAC3 technology supports AC3 5.1, which is state of the art technology. It is up to 20% faster with AVI files including AC3 audio.
- Real Dolby AC3 audio encoder included.
- Burning VCD/SVCD/DVD.
- Stunning video and audio quality.
- User-friendly interface that is easy to use.
- Has the option to preview the video in real-time.
- Has the option to automatically shutdown your computer when the conversion has been completed.
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