Sophos SafeGuard LAN Crypt Client v3.71.0.19

Sophos SafeGuard LAN Crypt Client v3.71.0.19 | 23.2 MB

Most data protection measures are designed to protect against threats from outside the organization, while most in-house risks are usually overlooked or ignored. However, the potential damage caused by the misuse of confidential company data is exactly the same no matter where the threat originates.

? Easy centralized policy administration using information from existing directories or domains
? Separation of roles between system administrators and security officers
? Transparent data security for user groups and individual users

In almost every organization, valuable information such as business reports, HR documentation, customer data and research results is stored electronically without being protected. Current practices such as saving data centrally on servers, engaging in multi-site workplace networking and using mobile data media greatly increase security risks. As more organizations outsource their IT departments to reduce costs, they face increasing data confidentiality concerns.

Organizations need a security solution that only allows authorized user groups access to sensitive data. With security policies in place, personnel from outsourcing companies and even in-house system administrators can be restricted from accessing confidential data.SafeGuard LAN Crypt uses fully automated file encryption to effectively protect confidential files. SafeGuard LAN Crypt does not force users to change the way they work: The encryption process is transparent and runs invisibly in the background. This means that each user is assigned a unique ?key group? based on his or her profile. Using this key group, the user can read released files in plain text. If those files were accessed by an unauthorized person, he or she would only see an enciphered, unreadable string of characters.

In SafeGuard LAN Crypt, the roles of server administrator and security officer are strictly separated, giving the solution a unique advantage in handling data security. The server administrator can still manage the system as usual, but has no means to decrypt any files. To ensure the separation of duties, the keys are managed by the security officer, who defines the individual access rights for working groups or individual users in accordance with the company?s security guidelines.SafeGuard LAN Crypt provides comprehensive protection for all company data. It is scalable so it can be used in small temporary teams, in departments and project groups, or throughout the organization.

