Extract and run OrbitDownloaderPortable.
Language set by launcher according UserDefaultLang (if you don't want: write UserDefaultLang=false in OrbitDownloaderPortable.ini): afr, ara, bgr, cat, chs, cht, csy, deu, ell, eng, esn, far, fin, fra, heb, hun, ind, ita, jpn, kor, mki, nld, nor, plk, ptb, ptg, rom, rus, sky, sqi, srb, swe, tha, trk, ukr, vit..
Downloads in portable folder (if you don't want: write PortableDownloads=false in OrbitDownloaderPortable.ini).
OneClick YouTube Downloader in FirefoxPortable.
Grab Pro in Internet Explorer while running.
Grab tested with local and portable browsers.
Settings of installed OrbitDownloader should be preserved.
الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 من الأعضاء و 1 زائر)
مواقع النشر (المفضلة)