PDF-Tools 4.0.178 Portable | 7.98 Mb
Allowing both the creation (from Image file formats, Image Scanners/Web CAMS and text files etc) and manipulation of Adobe compatible PDF files, PDF-Tools is an ideal tool to compliment your existing PDF creation application or as a 'stand alone' tool in it's own right! And PDF-Tools requires no additional 'plug-ins' or applications such as Adobe Acrobat or Distiller.
* Scan/Import Images from any Twain or WIA device to PDF
* Convert Text files to PDF
* Batch convert Image file formats to PDF (allows user to mount muliple images vertically/horizontally per page)
* Merge and/or Overlay PDF pages and files
* Delete or extract Pages from a PDF file
* Extract Images and Text from a PDF file to other formats.
* Extract formatted text and images to .RTF and .DOC and open in your preferred Word Processor etc for editing/re-formatting
* Create & Edit Bookmarks
* Create Thumbnails
* Add Header/Footer style Watermark text
* Re-number pages (i.e. after merging multiple files) - includes intelligent Macro's to automate and overprint in required location of page(s)
* Merge (overlay) PDF pages as stationary/forms onto text or another PDF pages - in background or foreground mode.
* Send FunctionsApplies to all file types, not simply PDF's)
* Email (Via MAPI or SMTP)
* FTP - FTP your Files to a Server
* HTTP - Post files to a Server
* Optimise font embedding in existing PDF files.
* Add/Modify Security with both 40/128 Bit & AES encryption supported
* Add text or Image based Watermarks to pages or entire files.
* and much more !!!
Homepage - PDF Tools AG - PDF & PDF/A Software - API, Shell, Services
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