Active Directory Management & Reporting
ADManager Plus simplifies enterprise-wide Windows Active Directory management and reporting.
* Spend less time managing everyday AD tasks
* Easy delegation of routine tasks to helpdesks
* Generate comprehensive reports on Active Directory users and objects
What is ADManager Plus?
Active Directory CleanUp ADManager Plus Editions
ADManager Plus is a simple, easy-to-use Windows Active Directory Management and Reporting Solution that helps AD Administrators and HelpDesk Technicians with their day-to-day activities. With a centralized and Intuitive web-based UI, the software handles a variety of complex tasks like Bulk Management of User accounts and other AD objects, Delegate Role based access to HelpDesk Technicians, and generates an exhaustive list of AD Reports, some of which are an essential requirement to satisfy Compliance Audits.
What problems does it solve?
* Eliminates repetitive, mundane and complex tasks associated with AD Management.
* Automates routine AD Management and Reporting activities for AD Administrators.
* Facilitates Creation, Management and deletion of AD objects in Bulk.
* Acts as an essential resource during Compliance Audits like SOX, HIPAA, etc.
What features does it offer ?
* Single and Bulk User Management
* Computer Management
* Group Management
* OU-based Administration
* Contact Management
* HelpDesk Delegation
* AD reports (Schedulable/Compliance Oriented)
What platforms/vendors/technologies does it support?
Platforms: Windows (32-bit/64-bit support).
Technology: Windows Active Directory.
Vendor: Microsoft.
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