EarthDesk 5.0.1 Portable
EarthDesk 5.0.1 Portable | Size: 21.28 MB
EarthDesk - An excellent program replaces the wallpaper in Windows operating systems on a dynamically changing view of our planet, as if you're looking at it from space. When you connect to the Internet, the program receives data about the current state of illumination of the Earth, the location of clouds, cyclones, typhoons, etc.
If you prefer, you can set the level of transparency of a layer of clouds, as well as customize the display of other elements of the card. The map can be configured to a specific point on the surface or at a certain location of the moon and sun. Map of clouds is updated at intervals of 3 hours, supported by the work of breathtaking images and configurations, etc. Built-in atlas has coordinates more than 10000 cities, missing the city can be entered manually
clouds in real time (updated every three hours) with the support of transparency and the glow of moonlight
Accurate sun, moon and city lighting
High-quality shadows
Automatic update maps
The shadows of the moonlight can be displayed on or off for display
Full support for multiple monitors
Eleven different map projections
Enhanced satellite, political and natural maps
Activation: not required (Portable)
Language: english
Size: 21.28 MB
File format: rar (5% recovery)
Platform / OS: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
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