TwProject Open Lab Teamwork v4.4 Build 15200 for Windows/Linux/MacOSX | 266 MB
Open Lab Teamwork - Web-based software solution for project management. The program is a proven, reliable and friendly web-software solution to manage communication and work in any field. Project management functions are used in an integrated environment, from which you can coordinate and manage hundreds of open projects at once. Teamwork is easy to use software solution for managing work, which is fun for the whole of your team. The program also allows you to handle large projects. Through this program, the management of real-time becomes much easier
Key features:
"Project management with the program
"Preservation of ways to create a project on time
"Adding and management issues of your working group
"Saving synchronization group with meetings and appointments etc.
"Perelinkovka projects on documents without moving your files
"Find anything from any
"Search and maintained filters
"The tree structure movement program
"Context menu
"Dynamic magnifying and temporary panel
"The use of bookmarks and move to the previous page
"Resources for the planning of your tasks
Teamwork is a proven, reliable and friendly web based software solution for managing work and communication in any field. Groupware and project management features are used in an integrated environment, from which you can coordinate and manage hundreds of projects at once. Teamwork is easy to use, so that an extended team can contribute; it is also capable of handling complex projects. Teamwork software is unique as projects get easily handled in a collaborative web environment.
Main features:
ûProject Management with Teamwork
ûKeeping track of projects evolution in time
ûAdd and manage your issues
ûKeep group in synch with a team agenda and meetings
ûLink projects to documents without moving your files
ûSearch anywhere from everywhere
ûSearch and saveable filters
ûTree structure always surfable
ûContextual menus
ûDynamic zooms and time bars
ûBookmarks and recent pages
ûResource planning
OS / OS: Windows All
Language / Lang.: Eng
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