Adobe Photoshop CS5 (x86/x64) Portable. Includes Education & New Features 2010
Adobe Photoshop CS5 (x86/x64) Portable. Includes Education & New Features 2010 | 2.05 GB
With the advent of Photoshop CS5 photographers have access to a function of the new generation to create images with high dynamic range (HDR). Combining pictures with different exposures in one HDR-image, Photoshop CS5 accurately retains the full range of key scenes.
New Features: A detailed review of new features Photoshop CS5. After reviewing this course you will learn the secrets of Photoshop CS5.
Released: 2010
Version: pre-Release Portable;
Developer: Adobe; Total Training
Medicine: Not required
Adobe Photoshop CS5:
New technology allows the HDR Pro to eliminate spurious distortions and provides more precise control of the tone mapping. With features HDR rendering, users can simulate HDR-images using a single image, claim the developers.
In addition, Photoshop CS5 includes revolutionary tools to enhance the creative potential of users. Brand new drawing tools include a tool Mixer Brush, which mixes an infinite number of colors on one brush tool Bristle Tips, creating the effect of this smear brush. With Puppet Warp tool, users can change the position or view of any element of the image, for example, straightened his bent arm on the photos or adjust an image of the landscape to create a new spatial perspective.
Photoshop CS5 New Features:
* Advanced Image Editing:
Using the improved selection and masking;
Work with quite knowledgeable-filled;
Using a fairly-aware healing;
Starting with the puppet deformation.
* Improvements samples:
Merge multiple images to HDR Pro;
Creating a surreal sight with HDR and removing a shadowy feature;
Using faux HDR setting;
Working with new enhancements correction lenses.
* Adobe Camera Raw Changes:
Noise reduction and sharpening enhancements;
Cumulative grain;
Consideration promotions Manufacturers vignettes Posturozhaya.
* New Features of Painting:
Using the HUD color picker;
Working with new tips bristle brush;
Using the tool brushes mixer.
* Performance and Enhancement Works:
Explanation of 64-bit work;
Understanding layers increases;
Understanding promotions tool;
Working with the group supplemented;
Using changes in the working space;
Understanding productivity.
* What's New in Bridge:
Introduction to the Mini-Bridge;
Introductory files from the Mini-Bridge in Photoshop,
Using the Mini-Bridge to the bridge;
Consideration of improvements to the module output;
Looking at ways to improve navigation.
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended: Essentials:
Bolbshaya Painting:
1. Pixels & Decision;
2. Color;
3. Investigation of Interface;
4. The choice of file formats;
5. Conduct Review & Images.
Setting up as a pro:
1. Settlement of user preferences;
2. Select Colour settings;
3. Customizing the workspace;
4. Significant reductions Keyboards;
5. Using Rulers & Guides.
Global Editing:
1. Understanding Histograms & levels;
2. Learning Curves tool;
3. Study hue & saturation;
4. Cutting & Straightening;
5. Adjusting color balance;
6. Creating black and white image.
Creating Elections:
1. Hand Tools of Choice;
2. Using the Quick Selection tool;
3. Creation based on color of Elections & Savings elections.
Non-destructive Editing:
1. Using layers of regulation;
2. Understanding Layer Masks;
3. Creating Masks gradient;
4. Application Modalities Mixes layer
5. Photos & Stories brush.
Top lock:
1. Retouching tools, including a fairly-well-informed are filled;
2. Removing Noise from Images;
3. Cloning Vista with Ischezshim Filter paragraph;
4. Setting up Outlook with filter Corrections lenses;
5. Pretty-aware calculation;
Type Project:
1. Working with Type;
2. Paragraph & Character formatting options;
3. Printing on the Road;
4. Use layer styles to print.
Vectors, Forms and Paths:
1. Vectors & Tools Forms;
2. Creating Paths;
3. Savings & Handling Paths as Election;
4. Subtraction, Addition Intersections, & should be deleted;
Smart Objects:
1. Direct Graphic as Smart Objects;
2. Creating & Changing smart objects;
3. Creating multiple instances of Smart Object;
4. Smart Objects are worthy Smart Filters.
Alluvial Clay Bridge:
1. Investigation of the workspace;
2. Search & organize files;
3. Enhanced Metadata;
4. Product;
5. Using the Mini-Bridge.
Camera Raw Photoshop:
1. Using the Core Group;
2. Selective Application of edits;
3. Converting to black and white;
4. Image restoration.
Layers Images and Alpha Channels:
1. Managing layers Images;
2. The development of the Group of layers;
3. Create a Group Layer & accompaniment.
Image Compositing:
1. Combining Images & Merging the best elements;
2. Establishment Surveys;
3. Auto-alignment of layers;
4. Refine Edge.
Working with the Brush:
1. Study Groups brushes;
2. Creating Custom Brushes;
3. Changing Dynamics of brushes;
4. Painting with brush mixer.
Print and Production Network:
1. Aggravation of images with clever problems proliferate;
2. Setting up the Print dialog;
3. Saving for the Web;
4. Credits.
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