Corel Draw Graphics Suite X5 - AGAiN | 499.60 MB
Creativity and power come together in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5. With increased speed, more accurate color control, enhanced vector illustration tools and new Web capabilities. it?s a must-have for any designer. Get going quickly with new professionally designed templates and learning materials. Find graphics, fonts and images on
your computer faster than ever with new Corel? CONNECT. Re-purpose and share your creations anywhere with expanded file compatibility. Then output everywhere, from Web banners and animations, to logos, custom signs and more.
* More speed with new multi-core support
* More rich content and professional templates
* More learning tools, video tutorials and expert tips
* More compatibility, with support for over 100 file formats
* More color control and consistency
* More Web capabilities, including Flash animation support
* More output options for print, Web, digital signs and more
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