Rising PC Doctor
Rising PC Doctor, professional and intelligent safety tools for computer users. With its seven most important functions of the automatic mark commodity analysis, the Immunisierung of USB data storage units, the ability to the repair of Microsoft Internet Explorer and Windows, Trojan Detector & Behavior blocker, protection from malicious Websites, becomes Internet Explorer protection and Trojan downloadblocker, Rising PC Doctor substantially improves your protection from mark commodity and Cyberbedrohungen. Trojan Detector & Behavior blocker Rising PC doctor can also recognize most Trojaner and large number of other mark time when starting, before they would drive their harmful function out can. This function will substantially increase your protection from threats from the CyberSpace. Trojan downloadblocker After successful infection, many viruses to the download a large number of Trojanern and other mark time is started automatically. The Trojaner Blocking technology guaranteed by Rising PC Doctor that even an infected computer will stop no other viruses download and the spreading of whole families of Trojanern. Automatic analysis of mark commodity With boats know Rising PC doctor automatically after possibly still unknown mark commodity. If by the user permits, possible, mark commodity is automatically transferred to Rising automated mark commodity Analyzer (RsAMA) for a detailed analysis. The user is informed about the result of the investigation and cannot fast on new threats for the conventional protection is yet available to be reacted. Analysis meta data arranged of the community of the users Rising (Rising Cloud Security) will be stored in the coming up Security data base (RSSD), the UP ton DATE information about Computer-und net security.
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