AIO Products Sony 2009
AIO Products Sony 2009 | 1.31 GB
Get the full range of Sony products 2009 in a single compiled. Enjoy these professionals to develop work programs in Audio, Video and even images as an expert. Recommended material.
Sony Creative Software
? ACID Music Studio 7.0
? ACID Pro 7.0a
? Cinescore 1.0c
? DVD Architect Studio 4.5c
? Photo Go 1.0
? Sound Forge 9.0e
? Sound Forge Audio Studio 9.0d
? Vega Pro 8.0c
? Vegas Movie Studio 9.0b
? Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9.0b
? Vegas Movie Studio Platinum Pro Pack
? CD Architect v5.2c
? DVD Architect Pro 5.0
? Jam Trax 2.0
? Media Manager PRO for PSP
? Sony Noise Reduction Plug-In 2.0h
? Super Duper Music Looper 2.0
DirectX Plugins
? Sonic Foundry XFX 1
? Sonic Foundry XFX 2
? Sonic Foundry XFX 3
? Sonic Foundry Expess FX 1
? Sonic Foundry Expess FX 2
? Microsoft. NET Framework 1.1
? Microsoft. NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1
? Microsoft. NET Framework 2.0
? Microsoft. NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1
? Microsoft. NET Framework 3.0
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