This application is a software calendar with appointments notes, tasks, alarms and contacts that provides seamless integration and interactivity with the desktop background. You can organize your data in layers and share them with other people on a local area network. The program can integrate with Outlook to show its appointments and tasks on the desktop. There are options for changing calendar icons, fonts and colors, marking weekdays of choice and marking dates with notes and/or alarms. You can have a text only version of the calendar and choose between displaying one, two or three months on the desktop. Recurrence patterns are available for both notes and alarms. An alarm can be stand alone or attached to a note. If interactive desktop option is enabled, the program accepts direct clicks on dates, notes and tasks displayed on the desktop. You can set each note to normal, private or invisible desktop view.
Key features:
* Blends data with desktop wallpaper
* Calendar, notes, tasks, alarms, contacts
* Many recurrence patterns for notes/alarms
* Interactive desktop interface
* Fully customizable (icons, fonts, colors)
* Data export/import/print (CSV, iCal)
* And much more!
Release name: XemiComputers.Active.Desktop.Calendar.v7.92.Incl.K eygen-Lz0
Size: 10.0 MB
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