Total Commander Dreamlair 2010.4.2. Complete version DreamLair, DreamFree, DreamLight (16.04.2010)

Total Commander Dreamlair 2010.4.2. Complete version DreamLair, DreamFree, DreamLight (16.04.2010)
Size : 233.74 Mb

A balanced and workable as possible build on the basis of the popular file manager Total Commander. Added settings, plug-ins and additional tools, greatly extending the core functionality of the program and provide optimum performance. Also added a set of programs for viewing and processing of various types of files, as well as for the basic computer maintenance. Year: 2010
Version: 7.55 public beta 2
Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Compatibility with Vista, Win7: Yes
Language: English and Russian
Tabletka: Not required
Total Commander 7.55 public beta 2:
Complete set of Russification TC 7.50a Lite
AkelPad 4.4.3 with plugins - a powerful free text editor
ChoiceEditor 1.95c - choice of editor programs for F4
IMPOMEZIA TC Color - Editing the color files and folders
NTFS Links 1.21 - create hard links
TC Plugins Manager 2.2.1 - External plugin manager
TweakTC 6.03 SR-3 - tuner for Total Commander
Ultra TC Editors 5.54 - tool for comprehensive configuration TC
Universal Viewer 5.3.0 - Portable different files
Button to work with 7z SFX archives 0.12.4 (by gora)
Package ???????????? Total Commander 7.50 (by Maximus)
Extended English Menus for Total Commander 7.55 public beta 1 (by petermad)
Libeay32.dll and Libssl32.dll for FTP-connections, SSL / TLS
AIMP 2.60.551 - the best audio player
Ant Renamer 2.10 - Rename files
AntiDupl.NET - find duplicate images
AnVir Task Manager 6.3.1 - Process Manager
Audacity 1.3.12 RC5 - a powerful free audio editor
Autoruns 9.57 - view and edit startup
AVSearch 3.13 - search files for text fragments
Beyond Compare - comparing files and directories
Browzar - small web browser
CDSlow 4.0 - Management CD-DVD-drive
CLCL 1.1.2 - Work with the Clipboard
Defraggler 1.18.185 - compact disk defragmenter
DOSBox 0.73 - the emulator DOS-environment
DupKiller 0.8.3 - Search for duplicate files
Enable Button 1.1 - Unlocking the menu of many programs
EfficientPIM Free 2.91.225 - personal information manager
EVEREST Ultimate Edition 5.50.2100 - information about your computer
Everything - instantly search files (only works with NTFS)
FastStone Capture 6.5 - create screenshots
FTP Drive 3.5 - expanding opportunities to work with FTP
Foxit Reader - view pdf-files
Hamachi Portable - create a virtual local area network
HPUSBFW 2.0.6 - formatting flash drives
HxD - powerful free hex-editor
ICE Book Reader 8.10.2a - text reader
Internet Maniac 1.2d - working with online services
Locate32 RC3g - powerful software for searching files
LockHunter 1.0 beta 3 - Unlock and delete files and folders
Media Player Classic - HomeCinema 1.3.1788.0 - a powerful video player
Mp3tag 2.46a - editor metadata of music files
MyLanViewer 3.6.1 - scanner computer network
Neo Utilities 1.5b - a set of tools and cleaning systems
Notepad 5.6.8 - a powerful text editor
Paint.NET 3.54 - a powerful free graphics editor
Password Cracker - view passwords hidden with asterisks
POP Peeper 3.6 - a free compact mail client
PowerCmd 2.1.120 - advanced command line
PowerOff 6.3 - the planner of the computer
PuTTY 0.60 - a client for the SSH, Telnet, rlogin
QNote 3.0 beta6 - small program to record the thoughts and deeds
R & Q 1109.4 - miniature ICQ client
Recuva 1.35.472 - recover deleted files
Registry Trash Keys Finder 3.8.1 SR3 - tool for cleaning Registry
Registry Workshop 4.2.4 - Registry Editor
Resource Hacker 3.5.2 - Universal Resource Editor
Restorator 2007 3.70.1747 - Universal Resource Editor
SoftMaker Office 2010.12.8.579 - a full-fledged office suite
SpaceMonger 2.1.1 - distribution of information on your hard drive
SysTracer 2.0 - creating and comparing snapshots Registry
TheCalc 3.02 - multifunctional calculator
TrueCrypt 6.3a - Program to encrypt data on the fly
TweakUI - program to configure the system
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.1 - tuner Windows 7
UltraExplorer - handy analog Explorer
UltraISO - Editing Disk Images
UltraVNC - Work with the remote computer
Uninstall Tool - uninstall programs installed
Universal Extractor - unpacking archives and files
Unlocker 1.8.9 - Unlock and delete files and folders
UUDS - a program for recording CDs
VirtualCDROM - virtual drive
VirtualDub - video editor
Vista XP Tweaker - powerful tweaker, customizer Piggy
WinDjView 1.0.3 - Portable file format. Djvu and. Djv
WinSCP - graphical SFTP client
WinUDA 0.291 - powerful archiver manyunky
WinUpack 0.399 - compress executable files
Wise Disk Cleaner Free 5.2.0 - a powerful cleaner files
Wise Registry Cleaner Free 5.2.1 - a powerful registry cleaner
Slovogryz 3.1 - tool for finding and replacing text on a mask
7zip - archive support 7-zip
AES encryptor 0.6.3 - coding-decoding files
AviWcx 1.7 - work with avi files
bzip2 1.2 - Support file formats BZIP2
Catalog Maker 3.1.6 - creating a list of files
CHMDir 0.40g - support files. Chm
DEB plugin 1.0 - view the installation packages Debian Linux
DiskDir Extended 1.60 - list of files and folders (the expansion. Cfg)
Gaup PRO - Image-unpacking archives of the games
GifUnpack - unpacking gif-files
Graphics Converter 1.9 Beta 4 - convert graphic files
ICLRead - Work with files icl-(biblitekami icons)
IMG 0.9b - support files and img ima
IShield 0.9.1 - Work with the Cab-files
ISO 1.7.6 - support files. Iso
MhtUnPack 1.0.1 - Work with mht-files
MPQ plugin - support files. Mpq
MSI Plus - packing and unpacking. Msi file
MultiArc - Universal Packer plugin
NSCopy - copy unreadable files
Puzzle 1.31 - encryption of files (file extension .666)
RPM ( cpio) 1.5 - Read Linux installation files
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. db unpacker 0.0.2 - Unpacking resource games
DirSizeCalc 2.15 - calculation of the size of folders
MediaInfo 0.5 - displays information about media files
ShellDetails 1.21 - use of all extensions Explorer
AceHelper 0.3.7 - Information about running processes
Back2Life for TC 2.4 - recover deleted files
BadCopy - copy damaged files
Calendar 1.0.2 - Calendar
DecClipboardFS - Clipboard
Device Manager 1.4 - Device Manager
Event NT - Event Log
ex2fs plugin 1.6 - support for Linux-sections
HTTP SmartBrowserPlugin 1.1 - a browser for the Internet
LAN Seeker 0.3.1 - Image of the network environment
Mail 0.99b6 - email plug
Motorola.P2K - support for Motorola phones
NetworkAlt 0.2 - Image Resource Network
NokiaFS - Review filesystem Nokia phones
NTFS4TC 1.2 - view the entire contents of the NTFS
OperaFS - view bookmarks Opera
PCIDetect 30.03.2010 - definition of unknown devices
Plugin Manager 2.6 - Plugin Manager
RamCopy 1.3 - fast copying files using RAM
Registry 4.8 - Registry Editor
Services 2.5b1 - local services
StartupGuard 0.5.2 - management autoloading
UnInstaller 1.8.1 - uninstall installed applications
Virtual Disk 1.31 Final - virtual disks
VirtualPanel - temporary panel
Wipe plugin (FS) 0.1 - permanently removes files
3ds Max - Image 3ds Max Models
ArchView - view information on the archives
CDRView 0.95 - mapping files CorelDRAW *. crd
DmpView 0.1 - view information on the *. dmp files
FileInfo 2.10 - Information about executables and libraries
EML 0.6 - Image file of letters *. msg / *. eml,
Font 0.09 - view font files
ICLView v21.8.2009 - show icons in the file
IEView 1.94 - to view native formats IE
Imagine 1.08.0321 - viewing and editing images
LinkInfo 1.51 - view and edit the lnk-files
ListDoc 1.2 - Image text documents in MS Word format
MchQHFView - view history QIP
Mmedia 2.46 - viewing (listening), multimedia files / DOCX / FB2 Viewer 1.7.0 - Image of office files
ScrList 1.0 - viewing screen savers
SWFView 1.3.4 - view flash movies
tcCalendar 2.5b5 - calendar, but not simple, but with lots of frills
VisualDirSize 1.3b6 - graphical display of the size of files and folders
xBaseViewFree 7.3 Build 0719 - viewing and editing database
7-Zip 9.12 beta
ACE 2.60
ARJ 3.15
CAB 0.63
LHA 2.67
RAR 3.93
UC2 3.00
UHA 0.6b
innounp 0.30
FreeArc 0.61
Link: Ugotfile: