3D Album Commercial Suite 3.30 Portable | 400 MB

Looking for an exciting way to produce and publish multimedia content? 3D-Album Commercial Suite is for you. Produce and sell CDs/DVDs of weddings, yearbooks, and other special events. Our top of the line product licenses you to sell your output and provides encryption and password protection. Create exciting multimedia productions your customers will love!

Organization of images:
Even if you have little experience with programs for organizing images, confident that 3D-Album, you will learn quickly enough. The program has a very comfortable, convenient user interface, which virtually eliminates the possibility of error. The launch window in order to help determine what task you want to do - create an album to organize photos into folders or, perhaps, edit or print them.
Before you create a presentation, you must put all the pictures you want to include in an album in one folder. You can do this in the file manager, viewer, or using a tool for organizing files, 3D-Album. If the files already prepared for the album, is enough to specify the program, with a folder to work. If you intend to pick up the files using 3D-Album, it can be done by clicking on the tab Collect.
Selecting a folder for a folder, you can view images as icons preview and copy selected for the album in the selected folder. 3D-Album allows you to receive images for editing directly from a digital camera or scanner.
The program remembers the last folder from which you copied the image, so for quick access to them just click on the icon Recently Visited. It is also possible to define folders to be added to the "Favorites". View them later can be a single click, not wandering around the hard drive.
Those pictures that you have chosen will appear at the bottom of the window. Very convenient that the size of any part of the window can change, so you can increase the area designated for previewing photos, or push the folder tree.
By the way, all actions are accompanied by hints that not only talk but also show what to do. This means that you can easily understand the program, even without knowing the English language. For example, if the tip reads: "Sopy the images from the source browser into the album folder", when you hover the cursor on the word is highlighted source window where you want to copy files, but when you hover on the word album - a window where they are copied. Copying files to a working folder can occur in several ways. You can not just copy the files, but then convert them into a chosen format, to reduce the resolution to the setting, rename, add text or lay on top of another image with a selected degree of transparency.
With pictures selected for the album, you can immediately perform a variety of operations, for example, rotate, display vertically and horizontally, to send to print, copy and move, view their properties.

Creating albums:
When work on the creation of the collection is completed, you can navigate to the most interesting stage - the creation of photo albums. All the tools to work with it on the tab Create.
Selected images will be displayed by you on the right side window in the order in which they will appear in the album. To change the position of the picture simply drag it to the selected position.
If you want to choose another collection, simply type the folder path into the text box or select a folder using the browser. In this window, as well as on the tab Collect, you can work with your favorites and get quick access to folders that you have opened recently.
Finally, you can choose how it will look album. It should be noted that in the 3D-Album is just a huge number of templates. The more complete version of the program at your disposal, the more patterns will be available to you. For example, in the Commercial Suite includes more than a hundred different styles. There are also additional sets of templates that can be downloaded free or purchased at the site of the developer. To them it was easier to navigate, they are divided into categories.
Typically, we want to save the most pleasant moments of life. Not surprisingly, most often we photographed while on vacation and travel, as well as the different holidays. Developers 3D-Album done the research so you can easily find a suitable template for the design of summer photos, parties in honor of the birthday or graduation. Christmas and New Year holidays - one of the most favorite days of the year for both children and adults. Most likely, your archives will have plenty of beautiful New Year and Christmas photos. For such images in the program also provides templates.
Despite the fact that today we increasingly see the photos are not in paper albums, and on the screens of monitors, televisions and portable digital devices, we still pleasant to look at the photos in a beautiful setting. If you put on the table, the usual picture, it will be impersonal, but if you put it in a nice frame, once it becomes obvious that image in this picture has value for you. Similarly, digital album - beautifully decorated picture speaks a special relationship to her, and besides, looks neat. In 3D-Album is a set of templates for creating a framework of various types. You can choose any frame for snapshots and put them on a suitable background. Working with 3D-Album, you are not limited to default templates and you can edit any of the elements. In addition to the framework and background, you can determine the speed with which photos will be rotated, edit the text labels, their position and size, control transparency and other parameters. Editable settings vary depending on the selected template.
Very unusual and fascinating look albums created in the form of an art gallery. Visitor of the virtual gallery can take a walk along it, looking at paintings hung on the walls. Despite the fact that almost all templates used three-dimensional effects, the program deals with the creation of the album to preview quite quickly. If you change any element in the preview window you can see an updated version of the album in real time.
Digital album, created in 3D-Album, you can add sound. Using the tools program, you can add audio to the project and determine their priority.
To complete the project using the button Build. After clicking it you can define the main options for creating the album - the format, name and position on the disk. Album can be created as a screensaver, a standalone application, HTML-files. If you are going to send a file by mail, you can immediately ask the program to back up. To reduce the size of the album, you can not copy files into the program, and only use the labels to the images stored in the original folder. This album makes sense to create, if you want to view images on your computer. If you have multiple albums, created using 3D-Album, you can create for them a special envelope within which albums will be convenient to choose to view. How and when you create albums, then access to hundreds of templates to suit all tastes with many editable parameters.
One would think that the possibility of 3D-Album end, but it is not. The program can offer many more useful features that will be very helpful when working with digital images.

Image Editing:
Very rarely a shot that would have been perfect in all respects: it was a good color and lighting, the frame did not get the "extra" object, and the correct angle well expressed to the idea of the photographer. In most cases (especially the case of amateur photographs) photos require processing. It is well known that the brightness, contrast, and other basic settings you can adjust images in Photoshop. 3D-Album allows you to avoid the use of this or any other editor, offering their own tools for editing images. All of them are located on the tab Edit.
It's no secret that one of the characteristics of the photographs on which judging the quality of the image, it is - color rendition. The extent to which natural looking color in the picture, depends on many factors. This quality camera, and the correct choice of shooting parameters, and the color of illumination of the scene at the time of shooting, and the color of surrounding objects, etc. Virtually every picture requires further adjustment of colors. In 3D-Album is a lot of tools to accomplish this task. Working in the program, you can not only control the overall color range of images, but also to paint individual sections of photos. In the program there are also tools for image correction, and for drawing. Using a variety of brushes, you can draw on different parts of the image.
When the photographer has a great experience, he can choose a lighting and camera angle shooting, to a person's appearance defects were less noticeable. However, even among professionals in the photographs may contain flaws that could not be concealed. Before the advent of digital photography much attention was paid to makeup and make-up, with which it was possible to disguise the scratches, spots, wrinkles and other skin defects. Despite this, deficiencies still not completely eliminated, so the photographers still had to work hard on stage, film development and printing of images. For example, retouch photos on the negatives special pencil. Today, all these problems in the past. To remove freckles, wrinkles and scratches do not need to spend hours going through the negatives. With tools 3D-Album can perform any correction of images. The program has the tools to remove blemishes, for getting rid of red eye, erase wrinkles and improve the make-up.

If you feel a craving for creativity, you can try to transform photos with dozens of effects:
The action of these effects like filters, which are used in Photoshop. Snapshot can be turned into a pencil sketch, oil painting, watercolor, or painted with colored ink.

Printing photos:
If you think that you can only print photos in order to show their relatives, who have no computer, and give my grandmother, unfamiliar with modern technology, you are deeply mistaken. Developers 3D-Album offer a variety of ideas that relate to printing photos. Using the program, you can print not only the pages for albums and individual photos, and catalogs, calendars, postcards, and even covers for CD / DVD.
Choose the appropriate print template can tab Layout. Below are the settings depend on what you want to do. For example, if a calendar for next year, you can choose a photo for each month, add text and other graphical elements.
If you decide to just print a few photos, they can be issued with a variety of frameworks. Directly in the program can also set the parameters of paper, the fields and put your pictures on the worksheet.

In 3D-Album, and you will find the perfect tools for creating photo collages:
Features Layout mode allows to work with an unlimited number of images, determining their position on the sheet, and many other parameters. Adding images to the project, they can rotate, resize, resize, etc. Each image of the collage can be placed in the original frame. Of course, if you decide to make a collage of dozens of photos on format A4, it is unlikely to look good. However, this is the perfect solution for creating wall newspapers, posters for children's holiday, etc.

For users of Win-7 & Vista requires LEng manually:
Open the disk with the album, look in the folder INSTALL - RUS - file RUS329 - Run it and set Rusik. Then run the program and manually expose language. How to do this is described in paragraph number 3.

3DAlbum_3.30.iso - disk image. It can be mounted as a virtual drive using Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120. As an extreme option, you can burn this image to disk. But not as a file! Look not to be confused!
For those who do not want to write and virtual disks - this way you can unpack with WinRar and run the installation from the folder file autorun.exe

The procedure for treatment:
Run the installation file autorun.exe - this is a description of manual installation and shell in one bottle!
When the installation set - NewMedicamentPack from traktor


Best Regard !