McAfee? VirusScan? Enterprise protects your desktop and file servers from a wide range of threats, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and potentially unwanted code and programs. McAfee? VirusScan? 8 takes anti-virus protection to the next level, integrating elements of intrusion prevention and firewall technology into a single solution for PCs and file servers. This powerful combination delivers truly proactive protection from the newest of today?s threats-including buffer - overflow exploits and blended attacks - and features advanced outbreak management responses to reduce the damage and costs of outbreaks. Everything is managed by McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator? or ProtectionPilot? for scalable security policy compliance and graphical reporting.
Product Features:
? Comprehensive McAfee anti-virus protection
? Potentially unwanted program security
? Buffer overflow prevention (IPS feature)
? Complete outbreak response
? Port blocking/lockdown (firewall feature)
? Application monitoring: email engines (firewall feature)
? File blocking, directory lockdown, folder/share blocking (IPS feature)
? Infection trace and block
? Powerful memory scanning
? Centralized management and reporting
? Enhanced email scanning
? Protection from threats that use scripts
? Optimized for mobile users
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