SWiSH Jukebox2 v2.0 Portable | 15.5 MB
Convert your MP3s to cool Flash sound players at the click of a button. Choose the skin to suit your site from our selection, or design your own using SWiSH Max3 or SWiSH miniMax3.
* Flash sound players at the click of a button
* SWiSH Jukebox2 Converts Your MP3s To Cool Flash Sound Players At The Click Of a Button
* Publish Your Flash Sound Players With The HTML Needed For The Web
* Over 30 Player Styles With Color Variations, Or Make Your Own With SWiSH Max2
* Set The Playlist order, Shuffle or Repeat
* Players Support Embedded Playlist Images
* Extract ID3V1, V2.2, V2.3 Information From a MP3 File
* Batch Processing to convert Multiple MP3 Files Automatically
* Adjust Audio Compression and Track Length
* Generate Real Spectrum Data And Create A Graphic Equiliser.
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