AVG Anti-Virus Pro 9.0.814 Build 2810 ML
AVG Anti-Virus Pro 9.0.814 Build 2810 ML | 105.7 MB
AVG Anti-Virus - a new version of the famous anti-virus program from Czech developer to protect your PC from dangerous objects and network threats. Program blocks viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, and a module to deal with rootkits helps get rid of malicious processes, masking job viruses. Compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 7.
AVG Anti-Virus includes the following modules:
? Antivirus and Anti-Spyware: protection against viruses, worms, spyware and trojans
? Anti-Rootkit: protection against hidden threats, spreading malicious content
? Identity Protection: Protection against new and unknown threats
? LinkScanner Search-Shield: mapping of security assessments in real time for all the search results of search services, Google, Yahoo and MSN / Live
? LinkScanner Active Surf-Shield: Protection in real time from the infected web pages during the Internet
? Web Shield: Checking the downloaded files and protection from accidental infection with obmenemgnovennymi Messaging
AVG Anti-Virus checks in real time:
? All files including documents, photos, music and applications
? E-mail (it supports all popular email programs)
? Instant messaging and P2P connections
? Files downloads and online transactions such as shopping and banking
? Search results and any other web-links
Advantages of products AVG:
? The required level of protection
? Our specialists are always looking for new challenges, so we can quickly develop new ways of protection.
? Products AVG protects more than 80 million PC users around the world.
? Easy to use security software
? Products are easy for AVG to download, install and use, have minimal impact on system performance.
? Technology, the award-winning
? System security AVG certified by all major independent certification companies, such as the ICSA, Virus Bulletin, Checkmark (Lab West Coast Labs).
Title: AVG Anti-Virus Pro 9.0.814 Build 2810
Year: 2010
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7.
Language: ML
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