PHP Designer v7.2.0.33
PHP Designer Professional is your PHP IDE and PHP Editor for all your PHP development but also your HTML,
CSS and JavaScript editor for both beginners and professional developers.
* Everything you need for Developing High Performance Web Solutions! phpDesigner is the popular
award-winning PHP IDE and PHP Editor with all you need for learning, editing, debugging, analyzing and
publishing websites powered by PHP 4, PHP 5, Smarty, HTML, XHTML, CSS, SQL, XML or JavaScript!
* Lightning Fast. Powerful. Full Blown! phpDesigner is rapidly fast in its performance boost the
process of editing, analyzing, debugging and publishing websites powered by PHP, SQL, Smarty, HTML, CSS,
JavaScript etc.
* Boost your Productivity and Get More Done in Less Time! Work smarter, not harder! Boost your
productivity and simplify complex coding projects with tons of time-saving features to speed up your
development! get more done in less time!
* Easy to Learn Use it, Enjoy it, and be Amazed! The philosophy behind is to make it enjoyable to
use for hours for both beginners and professional developers through a streamline, themed supported
and easy-to-use interface!
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