Solid Converter PDF 6.0 Build 669 Final - Multilingual - Full
Incl crack TeamRES ( 100% Working )
Released: November 10, 2009
PDF Conversion and Creation
Convert PDF to Word, Excel - Easily Editable Documents!
* PDF to Word Conversion. Convert your PDF files to Microsoft Word documents for easy editing.
* PDF to Excel Conversion. Convert tables from your PDF files to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Select pages or entire document.
* WYSIWYG Content Extraction. Convert selected tables or images from a PDF file. Creates tables in Word or Excel or image files.
* Quality Conversions. No need to waste hours reformatting and reworking your files.
* Headers and Footers. Advanced options for converting or removing headers and footers.
* Form Recognition. Form fields are recognized and converted into text boxes for easy editing.
* Rotated Text Recovery. Convert text from your PDF no matter which way it s oriented.
* Hyperlink Detection. URL Hyperlinks in the original PDF are automatically transferred into the new Word document.Convert From Explorer. One click to open PDF document into Word from Windows Explorer.
* PDF Creation. Simply drag and drop. Easily create PDFs from your documents. WYSIWYG user interface.
* WYSIWYG User Interface. Multiple document PDF UI for page-level manipulation operations.
* Watermarks. Pre-defined and custom watermarks. Text stamps, images or PDF overlays. Electronic letterheads.
* Combine. Combine multiple documents into a single PDF file. Combine PDF files.
* Rearrange Pages. Use drag and drop to rearrange page order in a PDF file or between multiple files.
* Extract Pages. Extract pages from a PDF file as a single new PDF or as multiple new PDFs for each page.
* Full Search. Fast text search of multiple PDF files. Navigable list of results.
* Batch-Process Conversions. Save time by using batch conversion palettes in the UI or using scripts from the command line.
* Print to PDF. Create PDF files easily from any Windows-based program.
* Password-Protect your PDFs. You can restrict who can view, edit, copy, print or add comments to your document.
* Encrypt your PDFs. Secure your PDF files using 128-bit RC4 or AES encryption algorithms.
* Set PDF Permissions. Control which users can read, print, edit, copy or comment your PDF files.
* Set Document Properties. Define Title, Author, Subject and Keywords to help organize your documents.
* Custom Page Settings. Create PDF files with custom pages sizes, margins and orientation.
* Reduce File Size. Keep your PDFs small with our compression options. Optimize file size for Web or print while preserving an appropriate level of quality.
* Acrobat Reader Settings. Set default view including page layout, initial zoom and page thumbnail view.
* Archive Using PDF/A. Create PDF/A-1b documents which are fully compliant with ISO 19005-1 archiving standards.
* Compatible with: Windows 2003, XP, Vista and Win7 (32/64-bit)
* Multilingual: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Russian.
24.5 MB
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