AMS Software Photo Calendar Maker v1.35-BEAN | 19 MB
Photo Calendar Maker allows to customize any element of the calendar, including title, fonts, background, holidays, month layout and more. You can create unique calendars in different formats - from pocket to wall calendars. Our photo calendar software is easy to learn and has a detailed user manual.
Photo Calendar Maker key features:
* Ability to create professional-looking photo calendars for any year or month.
* It enables to easily personalize your calendar with text at any location.
* Dozens of beautiful photo calendar templates in many styles.
* Customize national and religious holidays.
* Ability to create your calendar in your language.
* New! Ability to create a calendar with photo collage.
The rich set of features and intuitive interface make Photo Calendar Maker a program of choice for home users, as well as professionals!
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