DriverPack Solution 10 FINAL Professional MultiLang | Size: 4.31Gb
DriverPack Solution 10 - is the latest version of the most popular program to automatically install the drivers. This version contains a number of new features and optimized for all platforms (x86-x64). And thanks to a fresh database program installs a driver on any computer!
new! 64-bit Windows
new! Ability to upgrade already installed drivers
new! Determining CPU temperature
new! Automatic detection of user language (total 11 languages)
new! Improved interface
new! Added tooltips and info-block
new! Hotkeys
new! Significantly increased speed of data processing
new! The new system of error reporting
And much more:
1. Changed interface so that it now displays all of the drivers found in drayverpakah, and drivers themselves are grouped by how they ensure
new, and whether you want to put them.
2. English interface is the default interface.
3. Now, keep detailed logs of the program, which recorded the program work and the installation process. Logs are stored in a separate folder or in temporary
folder if the record in the current folder is not possible.
4. Disabled the feature to hide incompatible packs, because the program now selects the compatible drivers looking all over again.
5. Prog does not change the start page in browsers implicitly.
6. Introduced expert mode in which access the advanced interface.
7. Optimized algorithm for matching drivers. Now he works 4 times faster.
8. Added tooltips to the buttons and slope drivers.
9. Window on the program "is now translated into different languages.
10. A button to call msinfo32.
11. Prog now own indexes packs.
12. Clicking on the checkbox next to the inscription now also toggles the checkbox.
13. Added additional confirmation box.
14. Hotkeys.
15. The program does not pull up with old browsers (now the column name of the driver is not adjusted in width - that bad)
16. Icons of opening and closing of the lists are now turned in the right direction.
17. Prog is black and white during the long process.
18. "Select all" now can cancel the entire selection.
19. Improved algorithm for language recognition on this computer.
20. Added support for multilingual drivers for video cards.
21. In the main window displays the version of the program include the revision number.
22. In the main window displays the logo program, when the expert mode is not enabled.
23. Added infobar.
24. Changed the cover.
25. The left panel can be minimized.
26. Added module handler script errors.
The rest is in the add. information ..
Extras. Information
1. All major responses to the work of the program will find the "Help" in the left pane of the program or run the file \ tools \ help.chm
2. To record a program on DVD-discs you want to rename in the autorun autorun***f
3. If the user there are any mistakes or is not the driver, then they can lay out the logs, and on this analyse.log will be easier to find drivers on the Internet manually. Logs are stored in logs. they recorded the process of the program and install the drivers. When users encounter a problem, often enough to send the developers of these logs and they will be able to understand the problem. That information is even more important than what can show a screenshot.
4. Usually, only occasional audits are designed to release. And so often after making changes, detected error that DROP is corrected, but errors provide a risk for inexperienced users. According to this update build via SVN rather risky. SVN is intended for developers and testers that they can always have the latest version and compare with previous audits.
5. Talk program on the official forum: _http: / / /
but specific bugs do not forget to describe here
I collected based on the forum: _http: / / / forumdisplay.php? F = 13
The difference from the official release, and the rest have already been laid out in the network
The difference from the official release, and the rest have already been laid out in the network
1. Provides a more complete and updated database drayverpakov today.
2. When you click on help - opens the help system is, not Help site.
3. No log files and SVN, which reduces the size of the program in two!
Main developer - Arthur Kuzyakova (ArtX) for a wonderful project.
Great contribution to the development DriverPack Solution introduced a programmer BadPointer, which separate gratitude for their assistance in the initial stage of preparation of this release.
Collectors drayverpakov constantly updated drivers from Bashrat, QuarQ, SamLab, Greg, 3rd Party
And everyone, everyone who in one way or another involved in the development .. .
Before you ask a question, please read carefully so that it is written in a cap and certificate programs.
DriverPack Solution10 Professional is not a panacea, but above all - a "savior", and sometimes
"control shot". If you have a native driver disk, and then it should be used in the first place ..
On the file:
Enabling | reg code: not required
Interface Language: Multilingual
File format: rar
Platform: x86 x64
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