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الموضوع: MOBILedit!

  1. #1
    عضو شرف
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي MOBILedit!

    Download Hotfile OR Mirror
    MOBILedit! | 31.8Mb

    MOBILedit! is software that brings the ability to control the phone from your PC. After connecting the phone via cable, IrDA or Bluetooth, view the contents of the phone on the PC, do full-text searches, dial numbers, send SMS or MMS messages. With a simple click, backup all your data, copy them to different mobile phones and manipulate your contacts without even touching the phone. When you receive a message, it arrives on your PC in a similar way as an email; simply reply to it or move it to the archive. You will become much more productive as a result.
    MOBILedit! has two breakthrough features never before seen in the mobile world. The mBoox and Shopping List functions will add fun to your daily routine and make your life more efficient than ever before. With the mBoox technology, you can read documents in your phone, including pictures, in one scrollable formatted file.

    Copy online articles, driving directions, lecture notes, ebooks, study material, guides, jokes, contracts, or any text documents to your phone and read them on the go.

    The Shopping List allows you to write lists of any kind into MOBILedit! and send them to your phone to be stored. Not just for shopping-create to-do lists, homework lists, personal goal lists, workout routines, and many more. Forget about the crumpled paper list in your pocket or the chance of leaving it at home. Click to items you have completed and they will cross out. No need to have a pen with you.

    • communication via infrared, Bluetooth or cable
    • able to connect multiple mobile phones at one time and manage their data concurrently
    • full phone and SIM card status information (including signal strength, battery status, current network operator, connection type, hardware and software revision, IMEI, etc.)
    • ability to read selected data from the phone on demand (this refers to the fact that you needn't read everything, you can pick the desired information to be displayed)
    • file system enabling work with multi-media files stored in a phone like ringtones, photos, MP3's, themes, and java applications
    • a powerful editor for phonebooks stored in phones or SIM cards
    o multilevel undo
    o emphasizing all unsaved changes in phonebooks
    o intelligent differential write will save only changed items
    o intelligent phonebook synchronization for Sony Ericsson phones (if you change the content in the phone, just the differences are read into the phone instead of the whole phonebook, it is much much faster)
    o support for structured items (more data for one contact, such as fax, more phones, email, address etc.)
    o fulltext search across all contacts
    o comfortable internationalization
    o easy sorting and filtering of your contacts
    o swap the first name for the last name with one click
    o swapping contacts with drag&drop function
    o drag&drop contacts between MOBILedit! and other programs like Word, Excel, etc.
    o import and export of contacts
    • online dial control from connected phones, also hang-up and busy
    • handling of incoming calls through MOBILedit!
    • full SMS management
    o send SMS messages, automatically stores them to Sent Items on the PC
    o send long SMS messages
    o handling of incoming SMS through MOBILedit!
    o automatic conversion of SMS characters into GSM compliant character set
    o sort, read, and archive your SMS messages on your hard drive
    • Wizard helps beginners with general MOBILedit! Settings
    • archive and AutoBack-up will protect your data in case you lose your phone
    • multiple backups can be created for a single device and any of them can be restored when needed
    • open interface - API and source codes available, all developers can support different phones and add applications to MOBILedit!
    • smart-card and SIM readers supported via PC/SC standard
    • direct SIM card operations via smart-card readers - full SIMedit! functionality
    • complete MS Outlook support
    • complete MS Outlook Express support
    • transfer of contacts between MS Outlook and Outlook Express, you can easily migrate
    • all paying users can download new drivers, applications and versions from the Internet
    • synchronization of the time in phone with the PC
    o automatic mode
    o manually
    • multi-language support through installable language packages
    • online update system
    • intelligent install/uninstall (you will not loose created data with uninstall)
    • customizable shortcuts in the Framework window for quick navigation in MOBILedit!
    • skinnable design, skin creator available for free
    • user definable sounds for different events
    • user definable device names: you can assign names to phones, SIM cards or readers
    • user definable Picture for phones
    • chess game via SMS
    • You can just click to anonymously register your phone in myphonesafe.com database, which helps to protect your phone from being stolen or sold.

    Enterprise edition special features:
    • license allowing commercial use
    • USSD messages
    • OTA Settings
    • Encrypted SMS
    • SMS Auto-reply
    • SMS automatically moved to Archive
    • Keyboard plugin

    List of supported phones

    Changes in latest version:
    1. NEW LOOK
    * Completely new, revised GUI
    * Skinning compatible with Windows styles
    * Adjustment of controls to simplify operation
    * New connection Wizard for easy PC to phone connection
    * Automatic detection of conflicting PC suite software
    * Phone Copier for one click phone to phone data transfer
    * Improved speed and stability
    * Improved phonebook and SMS search
    * Improved organizer
    * Faster downloads in WebVideoDownloader, all YouTube video-formats supported
    * Enhanced Shopping List
    * Improved compatibility with Vista and Windows 7
    * Many other improvements
    * Blackberry 9500 Storm
    * Blackberry 8310 Curve
    * Blackberry 8520 Curve
    * Blackberry 8900 Curve
    * Blackberry 9000 Bold
    * HTC Touch Pro2
    * LG KP260
    * Motorola E6
    * Nokia 5530 XpressMusic
    * Nokia 6303 classic
    * Nokia 6700 classic
    * Nokia 670 classic
    * Nokia E52
    * Nokia N97
    * Samsung GT-C3060
    * Samsung GT-I8000 Omnia II
    * Samsung GT-i8320
    * Samsung GT-i8910
    * Samsung GT-S3100
    * Samsung SGH-F480i
    * Sony Ericsson G900


  2. #2
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    This is very nice sharing...Useful software...I needed this i got this in here...I am using the Sony Ericsson and Nokia Mobile,I came from Australia and unlocked the mobile using the Unlock code,in here
    Pro Unlocking.com- Unlock Your Phone i got the Unlock code at reliable cost and Unlocked the mobile...Can i use(install) the software in unlocked Sony Ericsson and Nokia...???Reply me....

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    مشاركات: 1
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