Maizesoft Maize Sampler 2 v2.01 | 6.58 MB
Have you ever dreamed publishing your samples as a VST and Audio Unit virtual instrument? With Maize Sampler 2, this is easy and affordable. In minutes, your instruments will be ready to be used by musicians all over the world. Maize Sampler 2 is a cross-platform tool for sound developers to create sample-based virtual instruments.
* Standalone Windows and Mac OS X application.
* Group selections by key / controller / MIDI channel.
* Disk-streaming / Memory reading mode.
* Poly / Mono / Legato voice mode with glide time.
* LFO, ADSR envelope and reverb effect.
* Round-robin / Random overlapped sample trigger.
* Load EXS24 sampler format.
* Sample loop, Choke cluster, Release trigger.
* Big sample mapping area and sample table view.
* Export .mse compact instrument file.
* generate VST and Audio Unit plug-ins.
* User defined UI background skin.
* XML defined knob, label combobox and keyboard.
* Serial number copy protection.
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