TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress gives users the freedom to take almost any video file and encode it to a desired file format including DivX, AVI, QuickTime, MPEG 4-ISO, H.264, DVD-Video, DVD-VR, HDV camcorder, Blu-ray Disc. The software provides users with functions and features ranging from a simple cut-editor tool to powerful video filters and effects. NVIDIA support helps make filter processing ultra fast. Optional support for the Toshiba SpursEngine, based on the ?Cell Broadband Engine?, allows for blazing fast MPEG-2 and H.264 encoding.
What?s new in this version:
Version adds input support for .wtv files, up to 5.1 AAC audio input support for MPEG-2 TS files, and MPEG reader multistream selector.
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