Rob Papen SubBoomBass VSTi RTAS 1.0.3c x86 x64 | 206 MB
SubBoomBass is a dedicated bass synth with presets designed by Rob Papen (and other guest artists) that will supply you with "huge cone-rattling sounds". Based on the Predator engine, SubBoomBass has been carefully crafted to provide you with the tools to create fresh new bass lines for any musical style. Rob Papen displays his innovative style by combining the 'phat' sounding synth engine with tuned drum percussion samples and rare samples. It is great for Hip Hop and RnB but can also be used for Dubstep, Drum and Bass, Garage, Grime and much more. Other features include a groove sequencer and two effects slots which can be modulated. SubBoomBass also features an 'Easy Edit' page and the unique 'Quick Browser' system that will allow you to find the sounds you need quickly and easily.
Oscillators section:
* 2 Oscillators with Analogue types waveforms and tuned percussion waveforms.
* Oscillator waveform Symmetry control for each oscillator.
* Free running option for each oscillator and Oscillator Syncing of oscillator 2 to oscillator 1.
* Extended semitone range going from -48 semitones up to 48 semitones.
* Separate octave control and fine-tuning.
* Keyboard tracking on/off for each oscillator.
* Each Oscillator offers Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) using an independent LFO for each oscillator with individual speed and amount controls.
* FM and Ring modulation modes for Oscillator 2.
* Each oscillator has a (PWM) square wave or sinus wave Sub-oscillator.
* Volume control for each oscillator and output on/off for Oscillator 1.
Filter section:
* Main filter is an analogue modelled stereo Multimode Filter, offering 6dB LowPass and HighPass, 12dB, 18dB and 24dB LowPass and HighPass, 12dB and 24dB BandPass, 12dB and 24dB Notch, Comb and Vocal Filter.
* Pre-filtering distortion.
* Easy Filter control by pre-defined Cutoff Frequency modulation controllers: Envelope, Velocity, Key-tracking, LFO and Modulation Wheel.
* Built-in Filter Envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Fade and Release.
* Build in Filter LFO with various waveforms, modulation amount control and tempo sync option with speed settings between 16/1 and 1/32t.
* LFO Poly, free or mono mode options.
Filter2 section:
* Additional Filter with cutoff control offering 6dB, 12dB and 24dB LowPass or HighPass setting.
Filter Path:
* Additional Filter 1 and Filter 2 path selector.
* Serial mode, Parallel mode and Split mode (Osc1>Filter1 / Osc2>Filter2).
Amp section:
* Built-in Amp/Volume Envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Fade and Release.
* Volume control. Velocity> Volume amount.
* Panning control.
Free modulation section
* 1 Envelopes with Attack, Decay Sustain, Fade and Release.
* Option to control the Envelopes times using "velocity" or "key played".
* Modulation Amount Envelope and amount control for this Envelope.
* 48 modulation destinations.
* 1 LFO with various waveforms.
* Tempo sync option with speed settings between 16/1 and 1/32t.
* Poly, free or mono mode options.
* Modulation Amount and amount control for this LFO.
* 48 modulation destinations.
* 4 free modulation routings.
* 32 modulation sources.
* 48 modulation destinations.
* Secondary modulation source & control.
Play modes section:
* Mono/Legato/Sequencer/Poly Play modes.
* Unison2/Unison4/Unsion6/ and Octave modes with Unison detune.
* Portamento featuring constant rate/constant time or held(legato) constant rate/constant time.
* Adjustable Analogness setting to simulate the instability of vintage analogue synthesizers.
* Demo C2 button to preview sounds.
* Global Tuning.
* Decay/Release Shape. This changes the curvature of the envelope decay and release stages. From exponential to linear to logarithmic.
Overall Pitch modulation section:
* Tempo sync-able global Pitch LFO. You can set the amount and also which wave is used for this LFO.
* Pitch bend with separate settings for up and down pitch-bends.
* 16 step sequencer.
* Sequencer patterns can be 1-16 steps long.
* Speed setting of 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 1, 3/2, 2, 3 and 4x BPM.
* Overall step length.
* Swing amount.
* Slide amount for sliding steps.
* Velocity control knob which mixes between keyboard (MIDI) velocity input and the steps velocity settings.
* Each step has on/off, Tie, Slide, Tune, Velocity, Free, Osc1 waveform, Osc2 waveform row.
* Tie modes normal and special which allows Slide, Tune, Velocity and Free settings inside a step if that step is set to Tie. Toggle modes 1 and 2 which toggle between normal and special.
* Sequencer Latch which can be controlled by the MIDI sustain pedal.
* You can load, save, copy, paste and clear sequencer, so you can reuse them in different presets.
FX section:
* HQ effects blocks in serial mode and split mode option if Filter 1/2 are in 'Split' mode.
* Available effects: Mono Delay, Stereo Delay, Comb, Reverb, Chorus, Chorus/Delay, Flanger, Phaser, Wah/Delay, Distort, Low-Fi, Amp Sim,WaveShaper, Stereo Widener, Auto Pan, Gator, Bass Enhancer, FX Filter, Equalizer, Compressor, Ensemble Cabinet, MultiDistort, Auto Wah.
* MIDI tempo based settings in most effects.
* 2 FX modulation sources for connecting MIDI or synth controls to FX parameters.
Preset section:
* Uses sound banks composed of 128 presets.
* Preset handling with copy, paste, clear and compare function.
* 'Quick Browser', 'Recently Browsed' and 'Favorite' functions.
* Presets are stored in clear categories banks.
* Bank manager.
* More than 800 presets.
* 6-voice polyphony.
* Parameter read-out field inside preset section.
* Quick Manual build inside preset section.
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