Sun River Systems Heatseek Gold v1.4.2.0 | 9.61 Mb
An adult content image downloader that allows you to surf to any website without worrying about being tracked
-- HeatSeek is a confidential and private adult web browser, file organizer, download manager and media player, specifically designed for porn surfers.
-- HeatSeek users can surf to any website without worrying about being tracked or storing a history of visited links. The software manages downloads and encrypts all pictures and movies downloaded to the computer.
Users can view and browse their adult content collections using a variety of user-friendly layouts and slideshows all safely within the program. Every feature is aimed at either making porn consumption easier or making it less likely that others will know what
you are up to. Think iTunes Firefox for porn.
Users can view and browse their adult content collections using a variety of user-friendly layouts and slideshows all safely within the program. Every feature is aimed at either making porn consumption easier or making it less likely that others will know what
you are up to. Think iTunes Firefox for porn.
Heatseek makes porn easy to use. Heatseek keeps porn safe and confidential
Never get caught with your pants down.
-- Protects your adult content and activity from others who use your computer.
-- No spyware. Heatseek never sends any information about you over the internet.
-- Password-required access to everything.
-- Automatically encrypts your adult files so they are unreadable outside of Heatseek.
-- Automatically encrypts and hides your browsing history and website cookies.
-- Industry standard 128-bit encryption for everything.
-- Stops sites from spawning dangerous and annoying popup windows.
-- Panic mode instantly closes the program.
-- Password-protection on minimize and laptop hibernate.
-- Secure protection even in the event of a power failure!
The easiest way to get your stuff.
-- Download all images & movies from your favorite sites with just one click!
-- Move the mouse over any image or movie on a webpage, save it with one click.
-- Save favorite websites just like a regular browser, except totally secure and with screen captures.
-- Automatic popup blocking against evil websites.
-- View and manage downloaded files. See progress and status of all your downloads.
-- Surf to any of your favorite sites, no restrictions.
-- Automatically encrypts and imports all your downloads.
Control your entire library.
-- Organize your files into playable collections any way you want.
-- View images, movies, even web pages, as thumbnail previews, or power-user list view.
-- Drag-n-drop rearrange and sort within a collection.
-- Drag-n-drop between different collections.
-- Import/Export from/to local hard drive.
-- Supports multiple copies of the same item in a collection.
Enhance your viewing pleasure!
-- Video Bookmarks: Mark your favorite places in a movie, instantly jump to them at any time.
-- Thumbnail playlist lets you rearrange the playback order the way you want.
-- View collections containing both images and movies.
-- Slideshow mode automatically plays your entire collection.
-- Save your rearranged playlist as a new permanent collection.
-- Fullscreen image and video for maximum entertainment.
-- Keyboard navigation for easy viewing.
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