Utility CD 8cm v21.50 Bootable ISO
Boot Pocket System Disk-Reanimator "UtilityCD 8cm absorbed more than 100 best programs and utilities - virtually all the most necessary for rapid assistance in the maintenance, diagnosis, repair and restore the computer.
Specially created to write it to 8-cm disk of 210 MB, so it was always with you, lest any among you, neither your friends nor your customers. Includes DOS Menu programs testing, backup, treatment and resuscitation, including shell ERD Commander 2005 with a lot of tools with which you can get online, write data to CD / DVD drive and much more, button type Windows Menu - containing about 120 selected programs - from antivirus and antispyware programs, optimization and clean registry and the system as a whole, testing, and determine hardware, a clean uninstall before selecting passwords and rebuild damaged archives. Full list of programs see more ...
Now using 'reg import' rather than 'regedit /s' in batch files for Windows 7 compatibility.
Now using DEL3.EXE as well as DELTREE.EXE with ZIP files for x64 bit compatibility.
Updated Windows 7 Manager on the Windows Menu to v1.1.8.
Updated RegCure on the Windows Menu to v2.1.3.
Updated MyLanViewer on the Windows Menu to v3.5.1.
Updated Vista Manager on the Windows Menu to v4.0.1.
Updated XYplorer on the Windows Menu to v8.80.0038.
Updated Registry Workshop on the Windows Menu to v4.2.4.
Updated AutoRuns on the Windows Menu to v9.57.
Updated CurrPorts on the Windows Menu to v1.80.
Updated Windows Update List on the Windows Menu to v1.23.
Updated FileTypesMan on the Windows Menu to v1.56.
Updated OfficeINS on the Windows Menu to v1.05.
Updated WirelessNetView on the Windows Menu to v1.26.
Updated WirelessKeyView on the Windows Menu to v1.33.
Updated OpenWithView on the Windows Menu to v1.11.
Updared ProcessActivityView on the Windows Menu to v1.10.
Updated BlueScreenView on the Windows Menu to v1.20.
Updated USBDeview on the Windows Menu to v1.56.
Updated RegDllView on the Windows Menu to v1.40.
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