Adobe CS4 Complete Activation Method for All CS4 Products
This works for all Adobe CS4 products including the Master Collection.
Download the trial versions from Adobe. From there, you can use this keygen / activation instructions to activate it. I have tested this and it is working 100%, even if you change your clock forward to 2018.
Dont forget to activate like it says in the method.txt file before you enter your serial number. If you enter this serial number in any application, it will work for all Adobe CS4 applications.
The beauty of this method is that you essentially trick CS4 into thinking that youre serial isnt blacklisted. Just to let you know, this isnt a cheap firewall method. The programs are unblocked in my firewall and its working fine.
It is important that you install the program as a trial, then follow the method in the activation file, and then install the keygen. It must be done in this order. If you install the program with a key, it will mess it all up.
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