Blu-ray to DVD II Pro 2.60
Blu-ray to DVD II Pro 2.60 | 7.69 Mb
Blu-ray to DVD II Pro gives you the freedom to enjoy Blu-ray movies on your DVD player, with almost the same quality! Now you can easily copy your Blu-ray movie to DVD or AVCHD with only one click. The built-in SmartExpress HD video codec module and SmartBurn burning engine will ensure an effective and fast burn. If the Blu-ray movie is encrypted, a third party decryption application, like Blu-Ray/HD DVD Copy Helper, is needed.
Blu-ray to DVD is a high-performance application to split and burn Blu-ray movies to multiple DVDs. It can burn Blu-ray disc movies or harddisc Blu-ray files to AVCHD DVDs. Users are allowed to make customized settings and selectable burning. The adjustment of subtitles and audio tracks are both supported.
Whats new in Blu-ray to DVD II Pro:
The burnt DVDs support for all the DVD players and DVD software player, and the burnt AVCHDs support for all the Blu-ray players and Blu-ray software players.
A better video and audio effect.
Burns more effectively and more quickly.
Saves your desired audio track while copying Blu-ray to DVD
Saves the audio track and subtitle you prefer while copying Blu-ray to AVCHD
Copies a Blu-ray movie to a DVD/AVCHD movie and saves it on the harddisk drive
Selects your desired resolution while copying Blu-ray to AVCHD
1. Blu-ray to DVD:
With only one click, you can compress a Blu-ray movie to one DVD-5 or DVD-9, or two DVD-5s
Copies a Blu-ray movie to a DVD movie and save it on the harddisk drive
The SmartExpress HD video codec module ensures an effective and fast burn
The SmartBurn burning engine is the most stable and fast one tested by DVD-Cloner
Compresses the harddisk Blu-ray movie to a DVD-R/RW or two DVD-5s
Saves your desired audio track
Burns the movie to more blank discs and youll get a better picture and sound effect ( Blu-ray to two DVD-5 copy mode only)
Copies a Blu-ray movie to a DVD movie and saves it on the harddisk drive
Compresses the harddisk Blu-ray movie to a DVD
Supports for all DVD players and DVD software player
Copies encrypted Blu-ray movies with the help of a third-party Blu-Ray/HD DVD Copy Helper. ( Blu-Ray/HD DVD Copy Helper is not produced by OpenCloner Inc. OpenCloner Inc. will not be responsible for this product.) Click here to learn more.
2. Blu-ray to AVCHD:
With only one click, you can compress a Blu-ray movie to one AVCHD DVD-R/RW or DVD-R/RWs, which has a better video and audio effect. *1
1:1 copy can perfectly copy a Blu-ray movie to DVDs without any compress or quality loss. *2
Copies a Blu-ray movie to a AVCHD movie and save it on the harddisk drive
The SmartExpress HD video codec module ensures an effective and fast burn
SmartBurn burning engine. It is the most stable and fast validated many times by DVD-Cloner
Compresses a harddisk Blu-ray movie to one AVCHD DVD
Saves the audio track and subtitle you prefer
Selects your desired resolution
Burns the movie to more blank discs and youll get a better picture and sound effect Copies the harddisk Blu-ray movie to one AVCHD DVD-R/RW or multiple AVCHD DVD-R/RWs
Supports for all the Blu-ray players and Blu-ray software player
Copies encrypted Blu-ray movies with the help of a third-party Blu-Ray/HD DVD Copy Helper. ( Blu-Ray/HD DVD Copy Helper is not produced by OpenCloner Inc. OpenCloner Inc. will not be responsible for this product.) Click here to learn more.
1: AVCHD cant be played back on DVD players. You need a Blu-ray player, like PS3, Sony BDP-S1 (1.55), Samsung BD-P 1200 and so on, or the software player in PC, like PowerDVD.
2: Since there isnt any compression under 1:1 copy mode, four to ten blank DVDs are needed.
Changes in Blu-ray to DVD Pro 2.60:
* HST Convert quickly and effectively!
* Blu-ray to DVD II Pro 2.60 adopts the advanced HST Technology which will make Blu-ray to AVCHD conversion 500% faster.
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