DreamLight Photo Editor v3.9 WinALL Cracked-YPOGEiOS
"Dreamlight Photo editor" lets you easily add many special dream effects onto your photo. It's simple and everything can be done with few clicks. Ypogeios released new & updated version.
As its name suggestes, DreamLight Photo Editor allows you to easily add many special dream effects onto your photos. By just several mouse clicks, you can add dream light, color, art, pencil drawing, edge effects etc onto your digital photo to make it more attractive. There are totally 10 kind of filter, 98 special effects for you to choose. By using multi different effects on one photo, you will get hundreds of special different dream photo. With DreamLight Photo Editor, just by simple mouse clicking, you can add dream effects.
Preset filter (10 effects)
Pencil drawing filter (10 effects)
Light filter (10 effects)
Amazing filter (10 effects)
Dream filter (10 effects)
Weather filter (10 effects)
Star filter (10 effects)
Art filter (8 effects)
Gradient filter (10 effects)
Color filter (10 effects)
Texture filter (10 effects)
Edge filter (20 effects)
Release name: DreamLight.Photo.Editor.v3.9.WinALL.Cracked-YPOGEiOS
Size: 6.69 mb
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