Quote: MATLAB is the foundation of the entire product family MathWorks is the main tool for solving a wide spectrum of scientific and applied problems in areas such as: modeling facilities and development of control systems, design of communications systems, signal and image processing, measurement signals and testing, financial modeling, computational biology and other
MathWorks MATLAB 7.9 R2009b (Windows)
Year: 2009
Version: 7.9
Developer: The MathWorks, Inc.
Platform: Windows 32 64 bit
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Language: English only
Crack: Included
MATLAB - a high-level technical computing language, interactive environment for the development of algorithms and a modern tool for data analysis. MATLAB compared with traditional programming languages (C / C , Java, Pascal, FORTRAN) allows an order to reduce the solution time for typical tasks and greatly simplifies the development of new algorithms.
MATLAB is the foundation of the entire product family MathWorks is the main tool for solving a wide spectrum of scientific and applied problems in areas such as: modeling facilities and development of control systems, design of communications systems, signal and image processing, measurement signals and testing, financial modeling, computational biology and others.
The core of MATLAB allows the most simple to work with matrices of real, complex and analytical data types. Contains built-in linear algebra (LAPACK, BLAS), fast Fourier transform (FFTW), functions for working with polynomials, functions of basic statistics and numerical solution of differential equations. All built-in kernel functions designed and optimized MATLAB specialists and work faster or the same as their *****alent in C / C /
Key features
Platform-independent, high-level programming language oriented to the matrix calculation and the development of algorithms.
Interactive environment for developing code, managing files and data.
Functions of linear algebra, statistics, Fourier analysis, the solution of differential equations, etc.
Rich visualization, 2-D and 3-D graphics.
Built-in user interface development to create complete applications in MATLAB.
Tools integration with C / C , inheritance of code, ActiveX technology.
What's new in version 2009b
Release 2009b adds new features in MATLAB and Simulink as well as make additions and corrections to the 83m other products.
Major changes in the family of products, MATLAB:
? Redesigned Help browser, access to the MATLAB Central File Exchange is now possible directly from MATLAB;
? Support for multi-functionality of the system in MATLAB and Image Processing Toolbox, and support for parallel computing functions in the Statistics Toolbox;
? The new interface in the Parallel Computing Toolbox to access and control of distributed arrays in a cluster;
? Supports processing of image files indefinitely large in the Image Processing Toolbox;
? Support for search and retrieval of geographical data with the server Web Map Service (WMS) in the Mapping Toolbox
? Global settings designed to simplify the arithmetic operations on variables with a fixed point in the Fixed-Point Toolbox
Extras. Information
MD5: 87155aa0adffaff2f529d4b63b2f7048
SHA-1: cd892fc7aeef8c7ae00a6867f66ce70e21568cd3
MathWorks MATLAB v7.9 R2009b Training Kit
Webinars Matlab - Matlab Recorded Webinars
Manufacturer: The MathWorks
Language: English, Russian
Format: swf (Flash movie version: 7)
Video: Flash SWF 850x638
Audio: Flash
Matlab webinars from the company Mathworks - are small (duration 1 hour) video lessons for both beginners and experienced users matrix laboratory Matlab.
List webinars
Algorithmic Trading with MATLAB - Update for 2009 (United Kingdom)
Algorithmic Trading with MATLAB for Financial Applications
Application Deployment with MATLAB
Assess C C Code Quality and Reuse Software with PolySpace Products
Color Image Processing with MATLAB
Data Analysis with MATLAB Products
Data Analysis with Statistics and Curve Fitting Toolboxes
Deploying MATLAB Applications to the Web
Deploying MATLAB Components to C C Java NET and Excel
Developing Measurement and Analysis Systems using MATLAB
Image and Video Processing with DSPs and FPGAs
Introduction to Computational Finance with MATLAB_A Risk Management Example
Introduction to Curve Fitting for Nonprogrammers
Introduction to Econometrics Toolbox
Introduction to Optimization with MATLAB Products
Large Data Sets in MATLAB
MATLAB for C C Programmers
MATLAB for Java Programmers
MATLAB for Signal Processing
MATLAB for Teaching
MATLAB for the Life Sciences
MATLAB Tools for Test and Measurement
Multivariate Data Analysis and Monitoring for the Process Industries
New Tools for Symbolic Computing in MATLAB (2008)
Object-Oriented Programming in MATLAB
Parallel Computation with The MathWorks Distributed Computing Tools and Windows CCS Scheduler
Parallel Computing with MATLAB - What's New in R2009a
Parallel Computing with MATLAB in Computational Finance
Response Surface Models of Drug Interactions with Curve Fitting Toolbox
Speeding up MATLAB Applications
Speeding up MATLAB Applications_Australia
Tips and Tricks_Data Analysis and Surface Fitting with MATLAB
Tips and Tricks_Getting Started Using Optimization with MATLAB
Using MATLAB on Multicore Machines
Using MATLAB to Develop Financial Models
Using SystemTest with Excel
What's New for MATLAB with R2009a
What's New for Object-Oriented Programming in MATLAB
Deploying MATLAB Components to C-C , JAVA,. NET, and Excel
Introduction to Matlab
MATLAB for C programmers and Cplusplus
Parallel Computing with MATLAB
Parallel Computing with MATLAB for Administrators
Parallel Computing with MATLAB-What's New in R2008b
Speeding up MATLAB Applications
Tips and Tricks_Getting Started Using Optimization with MATLAB
Compiling applications in MATLAB
Image processing using Matlab
MATLAB for Excel Users
MATLAB for Excel users
Introduction to MATLAB 7
Use MATLAB to develop and implement financial models
Processing and analysis of data using packets Statistics Toolbox and Curve Fitting Toolbox
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