Keys for KAV/KIS Kaspersky [14.02.2010]
Keys for KAV/KIS Kaspersky [14.02.2010] | 6Mb
- The given archive includes keys to following products:
- Kaspersky Internet Security 6
- Kaspersky Internet Security 7
- Kaspersky Internet Security 8
- Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5
- Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6
- Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7
- Kaspersky Anti-Virus 8
- Kaspersky Anti-Virus 9
- Kaspersky ?penSpace Security
- Kaspersky Anti-Virus for WKS&FS
- Kaspersky Internet Gateway
- Kaspersky OpenSpace Security
How to cause Kaspersky's activation 2010 through a key:
1) we Come in the manager of licenses - It is activated the new license (to remove before old licenses)
2) To activate by means of a code 3G79H-74355-DBPC8-4VX4Y
3) To wait messages on a mistake
4) Below in a window to press "review" and to choose a key file
5) To press to activate
How to remove a key?
- For versions Support-> License keys-> To remove
- For versions> the Information on the license-> To remove Service
- For versions Activation-> To remove a key
- For versions the License-> To unite/remove
- For versions the License-> To remove (a red dagger opposite to number of a key)
How to remove a key?
- For versions Support-> License keys-> To remove
How to add a key?
- For versions Support-> License keys-> To add
- For versions> the Information on the license-> To add Service
- For versions Activation-> To establish a key
- For versions the License-> To activate the appendix-> To activate by means of a key
- For versions the License-> To activate the new license-> To activate the commercial version-> enter this st8n6-k6zet-tjwfh-xm5rj a code of activation-> after unsuccessful check in a floor " a file of a key " we specify a way to ?????????? under the reference below a working key.
In what version there is no " black list " keys?
- In versions KAV 4.5 (Personal, Pro, Wks, FS) and KAV Personal (till 5.0.227 inclusive).
I have a key. How to receive some particulars about it?
? It is necessary to use the utility keyview.exe. The attention should be turned on Expire date, and Program Name
Whether it is possible to use the same key on many computers in a local network?
- It is possible in versions In versions there are more 2 computers in a network with one number.
What compatibility of keys?
- The key from KAV 6 approaches to KAV 6, KAV 7, KAV 8 (2009)
- The key from KAV 7 approaches to KAV 7, KAV 8 (2009), KAV 9 (2010)
- The key from KIS 6 approaches to KIS 6, KSI 7, KSI 8 (2009)
- The key from KIS 7 approaches to KIS 7, KIS 8 (2009), KIS 9 (2010)
Installation Fix'? is completed and it is possible to pass to process of activation of the program by a file-key.
Activation by a file-key after installation Fix'?:
1. Open window KAV/KIS.
2. Click under the reference "License" in the bottom of a window.
3. If at you the key it is necessary for removing is already established, having clicked on a red dagger to the right of a key in a window of the manager of licenses and for inquiry about acknowledgement of removal of a key, answer "Yes". If the key earlier was not established, at once pass to item 4
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