VTC Celemony Melodyne Studio 3-AGVTC Celemony Melodyne Studio 3-AG | 434 MB
Celemony Melodyne Studio 3 is an industry standard audio manipulation software music program. It incorporates amazing pitch and time stretching algorithms that are able to sonically adjust audio to extremes, without gaining distracting artifacts. With the release of the updated Melodyne Editor, audio manipulation is widened to enable the musical adjustment of polyphonic audio files in addition to the traditional melodic or single note files. In this VTC course, seasoned Melodyne expert Mark Struthers, teaches students fundamental concepts while providing his own tips for getting the most out of the application. Work Files are included. To begin learning Celemony Melodyne Studio 3 today, simply click on one of the movie topics.
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Zend Studio IDE 7.1.1 (2010/ENG)Zend Studio IDE 7.1.1 (2010/ENG)
Size | 300 mb
Recognized by thousands of developers around the world decided to create applications PHP. Zend Studio provides an integrated development environment and allows you to immediately begin creating applications.
Users are provided a reliable means to develop, debug and deploy applications on all common platforms (including Windows, Linux and Mac).
When installing Zend Studio automatically installs all necessary components of a complete client-server development environment, which includes a full server and HTTP / PHP with support for extensions to the developer.
The component Zend Development Environment - is a unique tool that combines the features editor, debugger and project manager. With this tool, you can write code, manage and implement its debugging.
Fixed bugs related to the lighting code. Wednesday is now working more steadily.
System requirements:
-OS: Windows xp/2000/vista/2008/seven
-CPU: 450 MHz
-VIDEO: 128 MB
-RAM: 512 MB
-HDD: 350 MB
1. Run the file ZendStudio-7.1.1.exe. Installation will happen automatically.
2. Run the program.
3. To register to run the file zde_keygen.bat. Opens a black window. It enter the desired name and press ENTER.
4. The resulting serial number to enter in the Zend Studio in conjunction with the selected login. All.
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Windows XP Ultimate Edition (by Johnny) [January2010-R4.7]Windows XP Ultimate Edition (by Johnny) [January2010-R4.7] | 4.36 GB
Windows XP Ultimate Edition is a custom Windows XP Professional Edition that includes several software integrated as components that in my point of view should of have always been part of windows.
January 2010 - January 2010: Release 4.7 x86 ENGLISH (DVD)
- Integrated more Windows Updates
- Nero InCD Auto-Format turned off by default
- Added 8 new Dreamscene Wallpapers
- Updated Remote Desktop Client to version 7
- Updated AVG (Major update to version 9)
- Updated Firefox
- Updated Flash plugin
- Updated CCleaner
- Updated Java
What is Windows XP Ultimate Edition?
Windows XP Ultimate Edition is a custom Windows XP Professional Edition that includes several software integrated as components that in my point of view should of have always been part of windows.
This is not an official release from Microsoft.
Why did you do it, and share it on the internet?
It all started when I "broke up" with vista and went back to XP.
I gave up on Vista mainly because of it's incompatibility with many software, hardware and it's bugs.
Also when wenting back to XP, I missed some of the Vista features... so I started researching and integrating software into XP that would give me a reasonable Vista experience.
As I did not find software that would emulate some of the Vista Features the way I wanted, I just made them myself - that's the case with the Drive Monitoring Process that displays a usage space graph bar for each Drive, and the XP Ultimate Dreamscene Wallpapers.
In an attempt to go further, I also tried to recriate the MacOS and Linux GUIs in XP.
And today I use mostly the MacOS GUI :-)
After I did some of the earlier XP Ultimate versions, I shared them only with my friends that at the time promised to not leak it into the internet. Although they all kept their promise, they also started to put pressure on me that it was really good and should be shared with the world.
Eventually I gave in and started posting the releases at "The Pirate Bay".
Where can I get it?
To download it, please refer to the download page.
Note that it is advisable to download from the Official Release Sites and their respective Official Uploaders.
Many users have also uploaded Windows XP Ultimate to several torrent sites, but although the intention is good as helping to distribute it, I cannot guarantee that it is not changed in any way from myOfficial Release.
Why is the ISO 4GB?
There are a couple of things that make the ISO that big.
Here are the most relevant:
* Dreamscene Wallpapers: about 1GB
* Nero: about 660MB
* Windows Dancers: about 550MB
* Frameworks: about 280MB
Does Windows XP Ultimate have viruses, my AV just flagged a couple of files?
No. Windows XP does not have any viruses of any kind. In fact each release is carefully checked before uploading.
If your Anti-Virus is flagging any file as a virus, it is a False Alert.
Cross-Check with other anti-virus and update your virus definition database.
Windows XP Ultimate Edition has all it's custom configuration and repair tool files compiled with programming tools.
As some viruses are also made with these same programming tools, some of these Windows XP Ultimate's configuration files may be mistakenly flagged as viruses(False Positives).
Normaly AV companies will take this into account and most likely following virus definitions will no longer trigger the False Positives.
Also feel free to send any flagged file to any AV company for analisys.
But then again, make sure you are downloading from the official Release Sites and Uploaders.
Does Windows XP Ultimate include any Support?
Windows XP Ultimate Edition is provided for Free and As It Is, with no guarantees or professional support.
The only support is this website and the comunity at the Official Release Sites.
I have emailed you, but have not recieved any answer! What's up?
I recieve many emails for all reasons... and only reply back occasionally.
The available time for Windows XP Ultimate is mostly spent on developing, tracking and fixing any bugs left.
Only a few seeders to download from, why is that?
At the begginning will only be one seeder...
I have limited upload bandwidth so it will take a while to make the first hundred seeders.
Anyway, I'm using super seeding to eliminate most of the redundant upload and make the initial seeding as fast as possible.
After a few days there will be several seeders and the download will be fast.
Thank you for all your offers of servers and of uploading, but it wouldn't matter cause I would still have to upload and it would still take all this initial time.. :-)
Can I upgrade from previous release?
No. Please make a clean install.
Windows XP Ultimate is complex and it uses several diferent installers for the diferent components and upgrading will most likely mess any part of the install process or even hang up the whole setup.
It's just not possible to make an upgrade due to all of the install processes merged in the whole setup!
I can't restart from the DVD, did I do something wrong?
First make sure you burned it properly.
You only have to burn the downloaded ISO as an image to a DVD - do not extract, it's ready to be burned.
After properly burning it, restart your PC with the DVD inserted and upon restart go to the BIOS and make sure the PC is set to boot first from the DVD Drive which contains Windows XP Ultimate.
Exit the BIOS and let it reboot, you will see a message like "Press a key to start from DVD..." - just press any key and it will enter the first phase of the setup.
The setup is in the "Installing Components" and is taking so long, why is that?
This is normal, Windows XP Ultimate takes longer than standard XP Pro to install.
It's just impossible to install a larger amount of components and software in the same amount of time as standard XP takes!
The Frameworks (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5) will take the majority of the time - about 15 to 20 mins... the other components will be faster.
Also on the last phase of the setup, Nero will take most of the time.
Can I use my purchased key?
Yes you can and you should.
Windows XP Ultimate will accept any V.L. Key.
To insert your key you can use WinKeyFinder
Can I disable any of the XP Ultimate components?
Yes, the way you disable it depends on the component:
* Some components load trough the Ultimate Services process:
Go to Start -> All Programs -> Ultimate Services Configuration
* Some components/software have their own options to be disabled - just go to their settings/options menus
Windows XP Ultimate DreamScenes and Internet Explorer 8?
XP Ultimate Dreamscenes are based on IE's Active Desktop technology.
With IE8, microsoft marks the abandoning of Active Desktop in detriment of web slices.
This will cause the following dreamscene issues to XP Ultimate users running IE8:
* First Dreamscene will load fine. Following dreamscenes won't load.
Workaround: Load the desired dreamscene and then log off and on again. Upon login on again the previously loaded new dreamscene will show up.
* With IE8, XP Ultimate Dreamscenes will use more CPU than usually with IE7.
I have Realtek HDA, but my sound doesn't work?
Well, XP SP3 doesn't fully support the Realtek HDA Bus so, you'll have to install the HDA Bus HotFix (KB835221) first.
After that you'll have to install the drivers for your sound card.
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