MultiBoot DVD v11.0 afin (2010)
MultiBoot DVD v11.0 afin RUS / ENG (2010 04 14) | 3.47 GB
Multiloading DVD ROM to work, backup and restoration of the hard disk, the treatment of viruses, reset forgotten passwords, etc. Excellent multizagruzochnik that combines a host of other titles.
Changes from version 10.1:
Completely revised and ideology of the disc. As a result, consistent use of 2 downloaders: Bootable CD Wizard v2.0a1 GRAB4DOS and managed to significantly expand the functionality of disk and to realize the download of a large number of LiveCD, based on WindowsPE and Linux (see description).
MultiBoot DVD v11.0 includes:
Alkid Live CD Windows PE based:
Alkid LiveCD Full (04 April 2010) in full.
Alkid LiveCD SE Driver (March 2010) a special lightweight (stripped down on the number of programs) version.
Alkid LiveCD SE without drivers (March 2010) a special lightweight (stripped down on the number of programs) version.
Hiren s Boot CD:
Hiren s Boot CD 10.4 en banc (Keyboard otpatchena for the Russian language).
In the boot menu Hiren s Boot CD item was added: Go to WindowsPE LiveCD Menu > > > > >
From this menu item, switch to the new menu from which you are downloading the following baziruschihsya on WindowsPE and Linux LiveCD:
Windows LiveCD:
LiveCD Windows 7 by xalex final 07.04.2010
AntiVirus Rescue Disks:
Kaspersky Rescue Disk v10.0.12.1 01.04.2010
DrWeb LiveCD 14.04.2010
Eset NOD32 Rescue Disk 07.04.2010
Active @ Boot Disk Suite:
Active @ Boot Disk Suite v5.0.5 WindowsPE and DOS
Software Paragon:
Paragon Hard Disk Manager 2010 Build 9369 Professional
Paragon Partition Manager 10.0.7893 Server Edition
Software Acronis:
Acronis Disk Director Server 10.0.2169 RU full and safe
Acronis Disk Director Server 10.0.2288 EN full and safe
Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0.2288 EN full and safe
Acronis BackUp and Recovery Workstation 10.0.11105 with Universal Restore EN
Acronis TrueImage Home 2010 Build 6053 RU full and safe
Acronis TrueImage Home 2010 Build 7046 EN full
Windows Recovery:
Windows 7 Recovery Disk x64
Windows 7 Recovery Disk x86
Microsoft Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) Commander v6.5 x64 for Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) Commander v6.5 x86 for Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) Commander v6.0 for Windows Vista / Server 2008
Programme WindowsPE LiveCD Menu:
LiveCD Windows 7 by xalex
Kaspersky Rescue Disk 01.04.2010
DrWeb LiveCD 14.04.2010
Eset NOD32 Rescue Disk 07.04.2010
Active @ Boot Disk Suite
Software Paragon
Paragon Hard Disk Manager 2010 Build 9369 Professional
Paragon Partition Manager 10.0.7893 Server Edition
Software Acronis
Acronis Disk Director Server 10.0.2169 RU full and safe
Acronis Disk Director Server 10.0.2288 EN full and safe
Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0.2288 EN full and safe
Acronis BackUp and Recovery Workstation 10.0.11105 with Universal Restore EN
Acronis TrueImage Home 2010 Build 6053 RU full and safe
Acronis TrueImage Home 2010 Build 7046 EN full
Windows Recovery:
Windows 7 Recovery Disk x64
Windows 7 Recovery Disk x86
Microsoft Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) Commander v6.5 x64 for Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) Commander v6.5 x86 for Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) Commander v6.0 for Windows Vista / Server 2008
Test Center:
Micro Scope Diagnostic Suite v14
Memtest86 4.0
Memtest86 2.11
Victoria 3.52s RU
MHDD 4.6
HDD Regenerator:
HDD Regenerator v1.71
HDD Regenerator v1.61
HDD Regenerator v1.51
CRC32: 7A25234E
MD5: D25BB7AAEE46A13228C47B3A362C602D
SHA 1: 4C31F1417FE055BBA0BB44CB5956B22196F83397
Information about the software
Year: 2010
Version: v11.0
Developer: afin
Platform: Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/Seven/Linux
Language: RUS / ENG
Tabletka: Not required
Size: 3.47 GB
Dowload Links :
All links are interchangable. It mean you can download any part of archive from any server and can extract it without problem! PM me if links are dead, I will try to re-upload the file if I can!
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