FantasyDVD has a perfect DVD navigation system, rich audio and video effects, is stable and easy use, and can meet all the demands of DVD playing. Supports 2 7.1 channel audio output, dolby ProLogic, Dolby ProLogicII and SRS TruSurround XT audio output mode. Supports Low frequency effect(LFE), High frequency effect(HFE), 10 Band Equalizer, Echo\Delay etc.s expansion function.
[Image: fd2.th.png]
# Add MPEG2 HDTV Files (*.ts;*.tp;*.trp) Supports. Add X264 format Support.
# Add Microsoft HDTV Files (*.wmv) Supports (need the windows media player 9.0 or Higher).
# Supports 2 7.1 channel sound cards and output on up to 7.1 discrete audio channels.
# Supports Surround/ProLogic, Dolby ProLogicII Audio Mode, Certified Dolby Virtual Speaker technology allows you to experience virtual surround sound through 2 speakers.
# Supports TruSurroundXT Headphone, based on SRS TruSurroundXT technology, provides an optimized headphone environment. It features TruSurround, Dialog Clarity Enhancement, and TruBass technologies that bring virtual surround and virtual bass experiences to your headphones.
# Special 10 Band Equalizer for DVD playback. Supports True Bass \ Treble Enhancer. Supports virtual space effect and virtual environment effect.
# Add Mouse Wheel and keyboard control.
# Fixed problem in exterior subtitle, supports unicode.
# Optimized and improved operation of user interface. Supports Dynamic Skins.
# Add multi-language supports.
# Improvement and optimizations with antivirus software compatibility.
# Improvement and optimization with windows vista32/64 compatibility.
Release name: FantasyDVD.Player.Platinum.v9.8.5.1008.Multilingua l-ENGiNE
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