Autodesk AutoCAD 2010 FULL - Serial
140mb with 7z extracted 500mb
AutoCAD is used successfully in a wide range of applications - including areas of engineering, through construction, architecture and mapping, but also fields of geodesy and GIS, electrical engineering, chemistry, astronomy, archeology, ecology, and even theater. High data accuracy in AutoCAD, you can check the drawing of the solar system SOLAR.DWG (look for the lander to the moon). Hardware requirements (system requirements) AutoCAD 2010 (32-bit or 64-bit) * Windows Vista (Home Premium, Ultimate, Business, Enterprise ), Windows XP Pro Home (SP2) for 32-bit and 64-riding - (older version also Win2000/NT4/Win98/Me) * CPU Pentium-4 or Athlon 2GHz or higher (for 3D and Vista: 3 GHz and above) 2GB RAM, 1.5 gigabytes of disk space (2GB for 3D/Vista/64bit) * graphics min. 1024x768 truecolor (for 3D: 1280x1024 128MB VRAM, Direct 3D workstation-class)
140mb with 7z extracted 500mb
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